Saturday, November 20, 2021

11/20/21 "More Than Just Healing"

#Sponsorship Saturday:

Jairus' daughter was sick, in need of healing. So, Jesus went to his house and healed her upon hearing his plea for help, but he didn't stop there... After healing her, He told them to give her something to eat.
Mark 5:40-43 NIV

Now, Jesus could have considered his purpose for being at Jairus' house complete when he healed his 12 year old daughter's body. After all, that's what Jairus pleaded with him to do.

He could have walked away, feeling like he had accomplished something. 

But NOT Jesus...He sensed that the girl was hungry and needed food to replenish the nutrients she had lost during her illness.

So, He told them to give her something to eat...Of course, He could have given her something to eat himself....

But He wanted EVERYBODY still present in the room to participate in making sure this child was not only healed, but whole, making sure she was well.

You see, Beloved we all have more of a responsibility than we would like to admitt.

We just can't go around 1/2 doing things when we sense that there is a need more than what is visible at the time.

It might even be more than the person themselves can say....

But we have to be sensitive enough to the leading of the Holy Spirit and do what we can do to complete the task in FULL.

Remember, A healing is NOT in FULL (completed)...If the person still needs something to eat, still needs shelter, etc.

Think about it...Won't you finish the good work God has began in a child's life through World Vision's sponsorship program?
Philip 1:6 NIV

👉 Click the link below to learn more and BECOME A #WORLDVISION SPONSOR like me.

👉 For just $39 a month....You  can do more than just feed some adorable child who needs you in their fight against extreme poverty....

👉 You get to build a relationship with the child, make a lasting impact that will reach throughout their community. It's not just healing, but wholeness through a Christian humanitarian organization.

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