Sunday, November 7, 2021

11/7/21 "Recovery"


5 Minutes of Focus 


When David and his men came to Ziklag, they found the city burning. Their wives, sons, and daughters were all gone. The Amalekites had taken them. David and the other men in his army cried loudly until they were too weak to cry anymore. 
1 Samuel 30:3‭-‬4 ERV

David knows how it feel to lose your spouse, that person you were so used to being there when you came home, being there when you got up in the morning. 

David knows how it feels to be without your children, to not know their exact whereabouts; if they are really safe or not.

David understands how it feels to wake up to a nightmare and have to cry yourself to sleep at night.

Sometimes you just need to know that you are not alone and that somebody understands your tears.

May I remind you that the God you serve values your tears...He collects every tear of yours in his bottle according to 
Psalm 56:8 TPT

And though, this might appear to be the roughest time of your life right now...I decree & declare that THIS is your recovery season.

UNDERSTAND THIS: When the devil wants to rob you of your sanity, get you to lose your focus...He attacks your family, he attacks your house. 

When he wants to block you from doing something,  stop you from obtaining something...He attacks your finances.

And you, Beloved, You have survived BOTH with your sanity still in tact. You did not lose your mind or your focus.

As for your finances, the money is coming back in too, back into your home, back into your bank account etc. 

This is your recovery season....

Your season where your health will be restored...Because SOMEBODY all that crying & stressing has made you sick.

Your wounds will heal.
Jere 30:17 NKJ

Keep your heart in the presence of God...He heals the wounds of every shattered heart. 
Psalms 147:3 TPT 

For Example:
The woman in John 4, Jesus never physically touched her, but he called out all the dysfunctional relationships.

By the time, He finished speaking truth to her brokenness, she was changed, healed.

Brokenness can heal..No matter how long you've been broken.

This Is Your Recovery Season.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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