Saturday, June 1, 2019

6/2/19 Broken and Dangerous"


5 Minutes of Focus

"Broken and Dangerous"

Like a glass

when it's broken is dangerous because its sharp edges are now showing, because what's in the glass is now coming out.

Beloved, so are you and God knows it. He knows you are broken and dangerous.

You see, right about now, you feel like letting all your sharp edges show and cutting somebody up pretty good with your words, you feel like telling them everything inside you about how they have mistreated you, mishandled you etc.

Right now, your heart is broken, you are broken and dangerous. Right now,  you are so far away from forgiving them and letting it go.

So, God, he's keeping you hid for now until you can heal and learn to forgive, learn to pray for  those that despitefully misuse you  just as the bible says in Matt 5:44.

This is not God's first rodeo though.

He's had to do this type of thing before, because truthfully nobody is as forgiving as Jesus was  upfront on that cross.

"Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." 

 Luke 23:34

Do you know the amazing strength it took for Jesus to say that, after all they'd done against him?

As I said though, God has done this before. He's hidden a broken and dangerous person or two before.

For example: Joseph...

When his brothers talked about him,  calling him,  "That Dreamer" and viciously throwing him in a pit. God immediately got Joseph sold into slavery, taking him away from his brothers, before Joseph could voice how angry and hurt he was, before Joseph's sharp edges could show and everything inside of him could come out.

Think about it. I mean, Joseph had to be fuming with anger, feeling hurt and abused at the hands of his brothers (of all people) when he came out that pit.

He certainly was in no shape to forgive at that time.  So, God had him taken to Egpt far away from his brothers, sold into slavery far away from his brothers.

Genesis 37

He hid Joseph. He hid his brokenness because in his brokeness, Joseph was dangerous. His sharp edges were ready to cut and not heal. Healing would take some time, some much needed time away from home, away from his father's house and those brothers of his. 

SOMEBODY: I know you can relate to everything being said....You need some time away from some people too.

So, Joseph goes to Egypt , and for awhile everything is fine. His brokeness seems to be healing and then comes the second attack:

Potiphar's wife (his boss's wife) lied on him, claiming he raped her. Again, God got Joseph out of there before his sharp edges could show, before everything inside of him could come out. Joseph flees the home and gets sent to prision.

Genesis 39

In prison, Joseph's anointing increases and he helps a lot of people. People who would forget about him and leave him there, imprisoned. The point is: Joseph stayed imprisoned in Egypt, hidden until he was able to forgive.

Genesis 40

By the time, Joseph got out of prison...His brokenness, hurt, and anger had healed, been delivered from him and he was able to forgive his brothers and not give Potiphar's wife a second thought. Joseph realized it had all been a "God Thing."

Genesis 50:20

Beloved, It's a God thing. You, being hidden right now is a God thing. Beloved, You can't say and do everything you want to. God expects more of you than to take the low rode with your enemies. In the words of Michelle Obama: "When they go low, we got high." God would expect nothing less. So, you're hidden until the brokenness heals, until the anger is not just pacified, but delivered out of you and you become whole; whole enough to forgive. 

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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