Saturday, June 29, 2019

6/30/19 "Building Ready"


5 Minutes Of Focus

"Building Ready"

Tyler's statement is indeed an eye-opener for the body of Christ because somehow we think after reading Psalm 23...That all we have to do is manage to make it through the valley unafraid, because we know, and we believe God is with Us.

Somehow we think, if we can just make it through the valley...It will be smooth sailing from there, even though we've managed to make a few enemies along the way.

Somehow we think God is the only one with work to do.

A Word 4 SOMEBODY: Just because God promised to prepare a table for you in the presence of your enemies....That doesn't  mean there isn't work you need to be doing, an investment in your future you need to be making. Psalm 23:5

 In 1 Corin 3:6 KJV: The Apostle Paul could have simply said, "God gave the increase."  After all, Isn't increase something we all want from God? And to have it given to us with little or no effort on our part, even better, right? Wrong.

Beloved, There's a reason why the Apostle Paul said: I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. 

Real increase requires that you team up with God, and man too (when necessary) to bring it forth. So, while everybody else is doing what they're doing...You need to get your eyes off of them. Let them have whatever platform they're using or trying to acquire in this season and trust that if you can just do what you need to do and build the table, God will indeed prepare it.

My question to somebody reading this is: Are you building ready? Are you ready to build and not just talk about coming up, crossing over?

It's time to be about more than just talk. Eccles 5:3 AMP says, For the dream comes through much effort.

Put your effort in...You build, and trust God to prepare, and the increase will come. Build and watch God prepare, set the table up "so sweet" for you in the presence of your enemies. It will be like crossing over into your own personal promise land flowing with milk and honey.


Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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