Saturday, June 15, 2019

6/16/19 "Merciful God "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Merciful God"

A Tribute To My Father 💜✍

His mercy (his compassion) is new every morning.

Lamentations 3:22-23 NKJ


The Lord can always be trusted to show mercy each morning.

Every day you give me something new along the lines of mercy to look forward to.

Every day you take the shame away with a new release of mercy and grace.

No, It's not the same excitement I used to get at  the release of new music from my favorite artist or is it?

I mean, you did sculpt me, you did create me.

So, I guess that does make you my favorite artist of all time afterall, huh?

And the bible does say, You rejoice over me with singing. 

Zephaniah 3:17 NIV

So, Maybe I need to upgrade my thinking of you because your release every morning far beats any release, any day, of any artist I could name.

It's far better. Your singing over me  is  actually what keeps me sane and keeps my Spirit at peace.

Somehow, mercy has become the song my Spirit is depending on.

Like a junky, I can't function without it or you, nor would I want to.

Merciful God

You're a good good Father

One who doesn't mind starting over new, every morning with me. 

One who doesn't mind being patient with me every morning as I receive new mercy (mercy  I know, I don't deserve).

But like breast milk,

you release it because you know; there's no other way that's best for me. 

Nurturing me

the way my biological father never did or no other man ever could.

And while, Your mercy is new towards me every morning, still your heart for me is not.

And for that, and a zillion other reasons....God, I love you.

You're a good good Father. 

Happy Father's Day.

Love Your Daughter/

Your Prophetess,


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