Saturday, June 22, 2019

6/23/19 "I Prophesy LIFE"


5 Minutes of Focus

"I Prophesy LIFE"

Then he said to me,

"Prophesy to the breath; prophesy,

son of man, and say to it,

This is what the Sovereign LORD says:

Come, breath; from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live."

So I prophesied as he commanded, and breath entered them, and they came to life.

Taken from: Ezekiel 37:9-10 NIV

Ezekiel was in the valley, in a very low point of his life, looking at what looked like death, at first glance.

SOMEBODY: You're sitting in the ICU reading this, looking at what looks like death for your son, for your daughter, for your loved one.

But I feel led to prophesy LIFE: It looks like death, like a losing situation, even though it's really not.

SOMEBODY: That's just how it looks. Don't be afraid or intimidated, not now.

God has anointed you for the win. So, you won't lose this battle, they won't die on your watch.

God has anointed you for the wind.

Therefore, Just as God commanded Ezekiel,  begin to call forth breath from the four winds (of the earth).

Call breath back into your son, your daughter, breath back  into your loved one.

Remember when Jesus was on this earth in the form of a body, he was both God and man and acted in both capacities.  You can too, because you're saved, blood-bought, carrying inside of you His DNA by way of the Holy Spirit. 

The wind and waves obeyed Jesus' voice....Now they will do the same for you. Wind come forth and fill the lungs, oxygen make yourself known and not some medicine. Air penetrate this body that appears lifeless and LIVE. I prophesy LIFE.

In Jesus name,


Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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