Saturday, June 8, 2019

6/9/19 "Help But Allow Yourself To Be Helped To"


5 Minutes of Focus

 "Help But Allow Yourself To Be Helped To"

Some men came, bringing to Jesus a paralyzed man, carried by the four of them.

Mark 2:3 NIV

BELOVED, Just because God has sent you some help, sent you some people to carry the load and do what you otherwise couldn't....Don't you get lazy as though there's nothing for you to do at all now.

There is something.  There is always something. Even in the case of the  paralyzed man who was being carried to Jesus...Though paralyzed he still had the ability to speak.

So, while his friends were doing all they could as four individuals for him....He could've at least showed some interest in the process by every so often saying, "Are we there yet?"

When what's being done is for you...Don't under-estimate what the tiniest gesture displaying that you are indeed a team player will do for the self-esteem of the people trying to help you, you don't  know what that could mean to those sacrificing their time and energy on your behalf. Keep in mind, God didn't make you under in any circumstances to just lay low and wait. You couldn't enjoy  playing the victim, if you wanted to.

Eventually you would have to take up your bed and walk just as Jesus commanded the invalid  man to do in John 5:8-9 NKJ. You've been independent for far too long to just lay down and relinquish all your power to another soul, even if they are four souls that mean well.

Think About This: Jesus healed the invalid man, but once that same man found the inner-strength to pick up his bed and walk...He made himself whole. 

SOMEBODY reading this today: You can make yourself whole by allowing yourself to be helped and knowing they're just help and not a replacement for you and the things God has called you to. Once you get over this current situation that has had a crippling effect on you...You will be okay, you will be okay. 

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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