Friday, May 31, 2019

5/31/19 "How To Combat Inner Criticism"

This Month's Topic:
" How To Combat Inner Criticism "

Inner Criticism - an inner voice that expresses frustration and disapproval about our actions....
Over time, these comments (from both others and ourselves) internalize and become our "inner critic,"  the persistent negative self-talk that keeps us stuck.

For though the righteous fall 
seven times, they will rise.
Proverbs 24:16 NIV

The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again.
Proverbs 24:16 NLT

If you're reading this: God has given you the ability to get up. You don't have to stay down, down is not an option.
Because you are righteous...

Now that does not mean that you are right or you get things right all the time.  As the scripture would imply, you have a tendency to fall down at times meaning you fail at things, you fail at life, in general  some times.

Some of you, you physically fall some times. Whether it was due to clumsiness or just something that happens from time to time. You fall, you fail.

Others of you, fall mentally or emotionally some times meaning you find yourself or you get yourself in situations that are not God's choice or God's best for you, but it's an ungodly predicament that has pinned your shoulders to the mat. So, like a high school wrestler, you're wrestling to get your win, pin your opponent (your enemy) to the mat and get back up on top of things.

Beloved, You don't have to be ashamed of how much you have fallen. You can get back up, you don't have to stay down. Don't let guilt pin your shoulders, even though you are guilty.

You don't have to stay down. See yourself up, get yourself up. Stop the count you got going on in your head of how many times...
 1 Corinthians 13:5 NIV says: 
Love keeps no record of wrongs. 

You must learn to forgive yourself, if you really want to help yourself.

Stop criticizing your every wrong move. You are the only person that expects you to be right or righteous (as in holier than thou) every moment of the day.

As I said earlier, Righteous doesn't mean you're right or that you get things right all the time, but it does mean you have a connection to The One who is right, who is faithful and true to His Word.

And His Word (in this Word, for this month)....God is trying to teach us: How To Combat Inner Criticism.

Meditation Points:

1). You get back up...In spite of how you feel at the moment.

2). You stop the count down  going on in your head- You will not be self-defeated, self-sabotaged. The devil  will not use you in that way.
I decree and declare your release!!!
Who the Son sets free is free indeed.
John 8:36 NIV
In Jesus name,

3). REPENT-meaning not just apologize for your behavior, but CHANGING because of it. Ask God to help you turn things around.

4). Learn to Forgive Yourself- You deserve the same second chance you would give someone else; give it to yourself.

5). Stop criticizing, critiquing your every move- You are not God. Therefore, If you can't fairly examine yourself, fairly judge yourself. Then don't judge, because you're doing more mental and emotional harm to  yourself than good.

 6). Stop expecting perfection- You are still in a human body and being human carries issues all in itself.
That's why we are asked not to sweat the small stuff  in scripture like what we will eat or drink (don't worry about it).
 Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matt 6:34 NIV

7). Take God at His Word- When you fall, whether it's due to clumsiness or a sinful act against your flesh...Take God at His Word. He already knew you would fall, you would fail, you would mess up and still he left you this Word on getting back up. Though, you may be somebody that falls repeatedly back to back to back. Hence, the 7×s analogy given in scripture. 

28). PRAY- Jesus told his disciples: "Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation."
Luke 22:46 NIV 

Until Next Month.
Walk free of criticism ( inner criticism).
Here when you need me.
Hosea 12:13 NIV
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 

Call or Text: 865-408-8690

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