Saturday, November 27, 2021

11/28/21 "A Father's Help "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"A Father's Help"

Give us a father’s help when we face our enemies. For to trust in any man is an empty hope.
Psalms 108:12 TPT 

• (NIV) For human help is worthless.

People need people, true...
We need each other, yes we do...

But STILL there are times when even the sincerest person's help feels worthless, feels empty like even that is not enough. 

That's when hopefully you realize more than ever,  just how much you desperately need God, just how much you need your Heavenly father's help. 

You see, Psalm 108 was written by King David- someone who had been through many trials & tribulations in his day, he had been in enough situations in his day to know that, if God hadn't stepped in and helped, his story would have ended sooner rather than later.

But God....

It was God acting as a father that stepped in and gave David back what  the devil tried to steal, kill, and destroy.

Who am I talking to? Because God has done the same for you.

God didn't allow even the biggest lion, the biggest bear to steal what David had worked so hard to protect.
1 Samuel 17:34-37 NIV

Many of you, you have worked hard to protect what you have, too hard to allow the enemy to come in and steal it, just like that.

Your Heavenly Father will not allow you to be stolen from.

The hand that attacks you will be attacking God in this season.

Nothing you have will taken or destroyed in this season....I feel like prophesying.

The same God that was David's shepherd is leading you, fighting for you.
Psalm 23:1-2 NKJ
Exodus 14:14 NIV

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

11/27/21 "Calling All Good Samaritians"


#Sponsorship Saturday:

A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite... But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.
Luke 10:30‭-‬33 NIV

Beloved, No one is going to do it, if you don't  do it.

Think about how many people had already saw that man in need and passed him by....

Instead of helping the man...Perhaps, They decided  to look the other way,  because they were totally convinced that someone WOULD STOP and help him eventually.

It's amazing the things we can talk our minds into believing.

But what if, that Samaritian man had thought the same way everybody else was thinking and make the HORRIBLE DECISION to look the other way too and NOT help?

That poor man would have died on the side of the road like a nameless piece of roadkill; died as if, he was NOT a human being with a name, with a face, with feelings.

Now what if, that man was a child waiting to be sponsored?

Some of these precious children have been waiting over a year for a good Samaritian like you to help them.

It really breaks my heart, as I think about the days that have gone by... and I wonder with each day that goes by, how that makes that child feel KNOWING that no one (NOT one person) wants to help them, or cares enough to help them?

These are children, I'm talking about...God's love gift to us!!! 
Psalm 127:3 TPT

It hurts to know that a child somewhere is crying themselves to sleep as they wait for a sponsor, wait for the help they need to come.

In Hebrews 11:6 from the Message bible: God lets us know that HE'S NOT LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE....HE ACTUALLY DOES CARE ENOUGH to respond to us.

God lets us know yet again that He is NOT like us.

You see, God doesn't wait to follow someone elses lead, BEFORE He decides to do something.

No, He leads the way...

He doesn't wait to see, if someone else will become the way....He doesn't wait to see, if someone else will stop and help.

He doesn't wait to see, if someone will sponsor one of these precious children NOT when He is pricking  your heart to do it.

Click The Link below...

Don't look the other way‼

 ðŸ‘‰God pricked my heart in this same way back in 1997. I sponsored the most adorable 4 year little girl from Ethiopia.  The sponsorship lasted for about 2 years, but IT WAS LIFE CHANGING for both of us...I was so happy.

👉Now, I'm the sponsor of 8 amazing children...So, Please don't  think Im asking you to do something, I have not been willing to do myself 8 xs.

👉As a World Vision sponsor....
As a World Vision Child Ambassador...I LEAD.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

11/21/21 "We Support You "

11/21/ 21

5 Minutes of Focus 

"We Support You"

Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. 
John 19:25 NIV 

When Jesus was on The Cross going through what he went through, he had people there at the foot The Cross emotionally supporting him.

They wanted to see him make it, they wanted to see him make it down off that Cross.

And just like Jesus had those who were in his corner, praying for him, those who would be there til the end; whatever that meant and whatever he needed.

You have people who support you too. We want to see you make it, we want to see you get pass The Cross you are currently bearing. 

We want to see you happy again and the pain of it all, be a distant memory of a lesson learned.

We are not all haters...

Sure, You have those who are laughing at where life has landed you, but they don't know what's going to come knocking on their door.... Their laughing just might end up being very costly.

I remember how a group of boys laughed at Elisha and their young lives were cut short.
2 Kings 2:23-24 NIV

I remember how the bible says: David's wife despised him in her heart. And because of how she felt secretly in her heart towards her husband...
2 Samuel 6:16-23 NIV

You, being a Child Of God...It's dangerous for them to laugh or to feel some kinda of way about you that goes against what the bible teaches which is for us to love each other,  for us to sincerely love each other, NO FAKING.
John 15:12, Rom 12:9 NIV

Nevertheless, You do have an emotional support system that's for real...Those of us who are praying for you, pulling for you, committed to doing whatever is necessary to ensure that you make it.

As for Jesus, He made it down off that Cross...Now, I would like to tell you, he was UNHARMED, but that's NOT the case.

You see, There are some situations in life that requires pain...And even though,  it was and is still very painful at times...

SOMEBODY: You need to know, there is life after the pain.
Just embrace the changes as best you can, go on,  and LIVE.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

11/20/21 "More Than Just Healing"

#Sponsorship Saturday:

Jairus' daughter was sick, in need of healing. So, Jesus went to his house and healed her upon hearing his plea for help, but he didn't stop there... After healing her, He told them to give her something to eat.
Mark 5:40-43 NIV

Now, Jesus could have considered his purpose for being at Jairus' house complete when he healed his 12 year old daughter's body. After all, that's what Jairus pleaded with him to do.

He could have walked away, feeling like he had accomplished something. 

But NOT Jesus...He sensed that the girl was hungry and needed food to replenish the nutrients she had lost during her illness.

So, He told them to give her something to eat...Of course, He could have given her something to eat himself....

But He wanted EVERYBODY still present in the room to participate in making sure this child was not only healed, but whole, making sure she was well.

You see, Beloved we all have more of a responsibility than we would like to admitt.

We just can't go around 1/2 doing things when we sense that there is a need more than what is visible at the time.

It might even be more than the person themselves can say....

But we have to be sensitive enough to the leading of the Holy Spirit and do what we can do to complete the task in FULL.

Remember, A healing is NOT in FULL (completed)...If the person still needs something to eat, still needs shelter, etc.

Think about it...Won't you finish the good work God has began in a child's life through World Vision's sponsorship program?
Philip 1:6 NIV

👉 Click the link below to learn more and BECOME A #WORLDVISION SPONSOR like me.

👉 For just $39 a month....You  can do more than just feed some adorable child who needs you in their fight against extreme poverty....

👉 You get to build a relationship with the child, make a lasting impact that will reach throughout their community. It's not just healing, but wholeness through a Christian humanitarian organization.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

11/14/21 "Pre-Meditated"


5 Minutes Of Focus


Naomi told Orpah and Ruth to leave her, to go back to their hometown. So, When Orpah actually did it...There was nothing Naomi could say, whether she really wanted her to go or not.
Ruth 1:3-14 NIV

Have you ever felt like you shouldn't have said what you said?

Have you ever regretted your words and the actions that followed?

Well, we will never know for sure, if Naomi regretted the words she spoke to her daughter-in-law or not.

But I feel led to tell somebody...Your words DID NOT trigger that person's actions....They already had in mind to do, what they did.

Could it be that Orpah already had it in mind to leave Naomi & Ruth and return home, but she was hesitant, NOT wanting to disappoint her mother-in-law?

What if Orpah had been secretly looking for a way out every since Naomi 1st started talking about them going to Bethlehem, but she didn't know how to express her feelings without disappointing her mother-in-law?

Beloved, Tell that devil that keeps trying to accuse you...It's Not Your Fault.

You can't keep a person in a place they don't want to be...No matter how much you want it for them.

So, You had to let them go, Naomi had to let Orpah go back to her hometown, if that's what she wanted to do.

Because believe me... There is nothing worse than trying to hold on to someone whose body is there with you, but whose mind is so far from you.

Their body is there with you, but their mind is so far from you, their mind is out there; causing them to think a certain way and become this person you don't even know.

Remember the bible says:
For as he thinks within himself, so is he....
Proverbs 23:7 TPT 

"So is he" meaning that's the person they have become based on what they were thinking, based on thoughts that became actions.

So, No more regretting the words that came out your mouth.

They already had their actions planned out....It was pre-meditated. 

Your words just finally gave them "the excuse" they needed to follow through.

That's all, nothing more.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

11/13/21 "What's For Lunch?"

#Sponsorship Saturday: 

When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?”....Philip didn't have the right response.

So, Andrew spoke up and said,“Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” Jesus said, “Have the people sit down.”....And just like that, Jesus feed 5 thousand from what started out as just a boy's lunch.
John 6:5-11 NIV

Think with me:
 If Jesus could use a boy's lunch to feed 5 thousand....I wonder, what He could do with the little we have?

Really we have no excuse...
Remember. The bible tells us:
Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin....
Zechariah 4:10 NLT 

BELOVED, What you think of as small beginnings is ENOUGH for the Lord to rejoice.

He rejoices when He sees us doing what the boy in John 6 did without hesitation...He rejoices when He sees us giving something as small as our lunch or our lunch money, money we would have spent carelessly on fast food etc. 

Instead, We give it in that moment to help someone who is in a greater need than us.

He rejoices when He sees us (His Servants) doing the work  of The Kingdom.

Do you know how many souls you can win for Jesus simply by being there with the smallest gesture?

You see, You don't always need to talk Jesus...Sometimes you just need to demonstrate Jesus.

I'm sure that boy had NO THOUGHTS of feeding 5 thousand...He simply just gave what he had to Jesus.

Simply give what you have to Jesus, to #WorldVision-a Christian organization that STANDS for #Jesus and are diligent in feeding the children, diligent in restoring, in equipping communities with clean water, educational programs etc.

Imagine your impact on one child's life when they receive a letter, a picture from you and realize someone they don't even know is willing to sacrifice for them so that they can have what they need. What a witness!!!


Afterall, That's what Jesus did for us when we didn't know Him, when we weren't serving Him, but were still SINNERS working against Him...

He loved us, He sacrificed his life (the things he wanted) for us, He did it for us, He gave to us....

Click the link.
Rom 5:6-8 NCV

Sunday, November 7, 2021

11/7/21 "Recovery"


5 Minutes of Focus 


When David and his men came to Ziklag, they found the city burning. Their wives, sons, and daughters were all gone. The Amalekites had taken them. David and the other men in his army cried loudly until they were too weak to cry anymore. 
1 Samuel 30:3‭-‬4 ERV

David knows how it feel to lose your spouse, that person you were so used to being there when you came home, being there when you got up in the morning. 

David knows how it feels to be without your children, to not know their exact whereabouts; if they are really safe or not.

David understands how it feels to wake up to a nightmare and have to cry yourself to sleep at night.

Sometimes you just need to know that you are not alone and that somebody understands your tears.

May I remind you that the God you serve values your tears...He collects every tear of yours in his bottle according to 
Psalm 56:8 TPT

And though, this might appear to be the roughest time of your life right now...I decree & declare that THIS is your recovery season.

UNDERSTAND THIS: When the devil wants to rob you of your sanity, get you to lose your focus...He attacks your family, he attacks your house. 

When he wants to block you from doing something,  stop you from obtaining something...He attacks your finances.

And you, Beloved, You have survived BOTH with your sanity still in tact. You did not lose your mind or your focus.

As for your finances, the money is coming back in too, back into your home, back into your bank account etc. 

This is your recovery season....

Your season where your health will be restored...Because SOMEBODY all that crying & stressing has made you sick.

Your wounds will heal.
Jere 30:17 NKJ

Keep your heart in the presence of God...He heals the wounds of every shattered heart. 
Psalms 147:3 TPT 

For Example:
The woman in John 4, Jesus never physically touched her, but he called out all the dysfunctional relationships.

By the time, He finished speaking truth to her brokenness, she was changed, healed.

Brokenness can heal..No matter how long you've been broken.

This Is Your Recovery Season.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, November 6, 2021

11/7/21 "Don't Hinder The Children "

#Sponsorship Saturday: 

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” 
Matthew 19:14 NIV 

Jesus understood the importance of having the children come, the importance of not hindering them. 

Jesus understood  for The Kingdom  to experience growth and continue  progressing forward....There must be children.

We put so much importance on money, on financial gain...But our real inheritance lies within our children.

Behold, children are a heritage and gift from the Lord, The fruit of the womb a reward. 
Psalms 127:3 AMP 

Think about it:
If there were NO CHILDREN not only would The Kingdom of God be hindered....

But this world would end prematurely without the birth, nourishment, and growth of children to keep it going from generation to generation. 

The devil knows this...That's why the attack on our children is SO GREAT worldwide, NOT just here, in The States.

Beloved, You have been blind for too long...It 's time to wake up and see what the devil is trying to do.

He's trying to stop our children from coming to Jesus....He's trying to stop them for coming into THE BEST part of themselves. 

You see, I'm not just a preacher/prophetess here, in The States....But I am a World Vision sponsor and Child Ambassador.  Currently, I  sponsor 8 amazing children.

So, Globally I know the affects this world with all its new challenges has had on children, ALL  our children. 

Help me help them fight back against poverty, sex trafficking, child marriages etc.

CLICK THE LINK below for more details...Become A #WorldVision sponsor TODAY.