Saturday, June 29, 2019

6/30/19 "Building Ready"


5 Minutes Of Focus

"Building Ready"

Tyler's statement is indeed an eye-opener for the body of Christ because somehow we think after reading Psalm 23...That all we have to do is manage to make it through the valley unafraid, because we know, and we believe God is with Us.

Somehow we think, if we can just make it through the valley...It will be smooth sailing from there, even though we've managed to make a few enemies along the way.

Somehow we think God is the only one with work to do.

A Word 4 SOMEBODY: Just because God promised to prepare a table for you in the presence of your enemies....That doesn't  mean there isn't work you need to be doing, an investment in your future you need to be making. Psalm 23:5

 In 1 Corin 3:6 KJV: The Apostle Paul could have simply said, "God gave the increase."  After all, Isn't increase something we all want from God? And to have it given to us with little or no effort on our part, even better, right? Wrong.

Beloved, There's a reason why the Apostle Paul said: I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. 

Real increase requires that you team up with God, and man too (when necessary) to bring it forth. So, while everybody else is doing what they're doing...You need to get your eyes off of them. Let them have whatever platform they're using or trying to acquire in this season and trust that if you can just do what you need to do and build the table, God will indeed prepare it.

My question to somebody reading this is: Are you building ready? Are you ready to build and not just talk about coming up, crossing over?

It's time to be about more than just talk. Eccles 5:3 AMP says, For the dream comes through much effort.

Put your effort in...You build, and trust God to prepare, and the increase will come. Build and watch God prepare, set the table up "so sweet" for you in the presence of your enemies. It will be like crossing over into your own personal promise land flowing with milk and honey.


Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

6/29/19 "More To Asking Than Just Asking"


This Month's Topic: "More To Asking Than Just Asking"

Ask and it will be given to you;
seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
Matt 7:7 NIV

Okay, so, we know how to ask; even toddlers with no real words to express themselves yet, know how to ask. It comes across as a "cute" way of begging with the hand motions and all, but still they are asking for some of what you have in the only way that they know how.

Truthfully though, as adults a lot of our asking looks to God like begging after awhile, but still ...

Asking is just the first instruction given in the preparation stages of receiving.

The bible says: ASK, SEEK, KNOCK.
The three instructions given in 
Matt 7:7 NIV

While we may do a "fair enough" job of asking. God says, Not many know what it means to really seek.

Seek-to go after God with all your heart, and soul.

But if from there, you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.
Deut 4:29 NIV

You see, Beloved, seeking is worship. You are seeking God when you worship...Because when you worship, you are worshiping him simply for who HE IS. When you worship, you show God you want Him and not just material stuff.

Think about it in the natural....You know how you feel, when you finally run across someone that YOU KNOW, this person has no hidden agenda, but only wants you for you. Think about the value it adds to that friendship, to that relationship.

Not that you didn't love them before, but knowing that their motives are pure opens your heart towards them a little more. God is the same way. He loves us regardless, but  worship (pure worship) opens his heart towards us a little more. It's called favor....God favors you when your worship is pure and carries no price tag.

The bible says this about Worship:
"It's who you are and the way you live that counts before God. Your worship must engage your spirit in pursuit of truth. That's the kind of people the Father is out looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves
before him in their worship. God is sheer being itself--- Spirit. Those who worship him must do it out of their very being, their spirits, their true selves, in adoration. "
John 4:23-24 MSG (Message bible)

Finally, Knock which is last instruction given in preparation for receiving.

But what does it mean to knock?
Knocking is always associated with a sound.  You can't knock without making sound.
Therefore praise is knocking, knocking is praise.

Praise is different from worship because praise is your opportunity to make some noise and thank God for the things he has done or is doing in your life.

Psalm 22:3 AMPC The Lord inhabits the praises of his people.

Inhabits the praises of his people....IN habits- it gets inside him, he takes it in. Praise gets God's attentioon.

The bible says:
7 When Boaz had finished eating and drinking and was in good spirits, he went over to lie down at the far end of the grain pile.
Ruth approached quietly, uncovered his feet and lay down.
8 In the middle of the night something startled the man; he tuned ----and there was a woman lying at his feet! Ruth 3:8 NIV
In other words: Ruth went in to Boaz and startle him, she got his attention.

BELOVED, You must go in, in prayer until you startle Him, until you get God 's attention.
If Boaz (after getting his attention) could  redeem Ruth and give her everything she wanted and needed....How much more can God provide for us.
 Therefore, Seriously go in UNTIL you know, he has inhabited your praise, he has received your worship.

How will you know? Spiritually: You will just have a peace come up in your spirit.
Some of you, you will feel as though a burden has lifted.
Naturally though, you will know when 
 he begins to do what you have asked of him.

Click the link below and listen to this example of going in, in Prayer- asking, seeking, knocking.

Until Next Month. 
Here when you need me.
Call or Text: 865-408-8690

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 

Saturday, June 22, 2019

6/23/19 "I Prophesy LIFE"


5 Minutes of Focus

"I Prophesy LIFE"

Then he said to me,

"Prophesy to the breath; prophesy,

son of man, and say to it,

This is what the Sovereign LORD says:

Come, breath; from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live."

So I prophesied as he commanded, and breath entered them, and they came to life.

Taken from: Ezekiel 37:9-10 NIV

Ezekiel was in the valley, in a very low point of his life, looking at what looked like death, at first glance.

SOMEBODY: You're sitting in the ICU reading this, looking at what looks like death for your son, for your daughter, for your loved one.

But I feel led to prophesy LIFE: It looks like death, like a losing situation, even though it's really not.

SOMEBODY: That's just how it looks. Don't be afraid or intimidated, not now.

God has anointed you for the win. So, you won't lose this battle, they won't die on your watch.

God has anointed you for the wind.

Therefore, Just as God commanded Ezekiel,  begin to call forth breath from the four winds (of the earth).

Call breath back into your son, your daughter, breath back  into your loved one.

Remember when Jesus was on this earth in the form of a body, he was both God and man and acted in both capacities.  You can too, because you're saved, blood-bought, carrying inside of you His DNA by way of the Holy Spirit. 

The wind and waves obeyed Jesus' voice....Now they will do the same for you. Wind come forth and fill the lungs, oxygen make yourself known and not some medicine. Air penetrate this body that appears lifeless and LIVE. I prophesy LIFE.

In Jesus name,


Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Thursday, June 20, 2019

6/20/19 "I LOVE Differently"

Good morning ALL from Me (Prophetess  Stacy) and my sponsored child, Maureen....all the way from #Zambia. Isn't she adorable. 

You see, "I LOVE Differently"....If that phrase alone resonates with your Spirit and you know that you're more than just the "me and mine and no more" kind of person, but you love differently, the way that I do.

You have a heart that welcomes children,  those who are vulnerable and in  need. You have a heart for children; all children. You want to see them live and be the best God has made them to be; starting with clean water, proper food, healthcare, education etc. 

As a CA (Child Ambassador) for World Vision....My mission is to match as many loving sponsors, with precious children who need the love and support of someone like YOU.

I personally sponsor 5 children through World Vision and the blessing they all are  to my life is without question.


So, If you're ready to bless your life and the life of a child, I need to talk to you. Text: SPONSORSHIP to the number: 865-408-8690 and I will call you back .

Let's talk #Sponsorship #ShareLife #ChangeALife #ILoveDifferently #WorldVision

Saturday, June 15, 2019

6/16/19 "Merciful God "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Merciful God"

A Tribute To My Father 💜✍

His mercy (his compassion) is new every morning.

Lamentations 3:22-23 NKJ


The Lord can always be trusted to show mercy each morning.

Every day you give me something new along the lines of mercy to look forward to.

Every day you take the shame away with a new release of mercy and grace.

No, It's not the same excitement I used to get at  the release of new music from my favorite artist or is it?

I mean, you did sculpt me, you did create me.

So, I guess that does make you my favorite artist of all time afterall, huh?

And the bible does say, You rejoice over me with singing. 

Zephaniah 3:17 NIV

So, Maybe I need to upgrade my thinking of you because your release every morning far beats any release, any day, of any artist I could name.

It's far better. Your singing over me  is  actually what keeps me sane and keeps my Spirit at peace.

Somehow, mercy has become the song my Spirit is depending on.

Like a junky, I can't function without it or you, nor would I want to.

Merciful God

You're a good good Father

One who doesn't mind starting over new, every morning with me. 

One who doesn't mind being patient with me every morning as I receive new mercy (mercy  I know, I don't deserve).

But like breast milk,

you release it because you know; there's no other way that's best for me. 

Nurturing me

the way my biological father never did or no other man ever could.

And while, Your mercy is new towards me every morning, still your heart for me is not.

And for that, and a zillion other reasons....God, I love you.

You're a good good Father. 

Happy Father's Day.

Love Your Daughter/

Your Prophetess,


Saturday, June 8, 2019

6/9/19 "Help But Allow Yourself To Be Helped To"


5 Minutes of Focus

 "Help But Allow Yourself To Be Helped To"

Some men came, bringing to Jesus a paralyzed man, carried by the four of them.

Mark 2:3 NIV

BELOVED, Just because God has sent you some help, sent you some people to carry the load and do what you otherwise couldn't....Don't you get lazy as though there's nothing for you to do at all now.

There is something.  There is always something. Even in the case of the  paralyzed man who was being carried to Jesus...Though paralyzed he still had the ability to speak.

So, while his friends were doing all they could as four individuals for him....He could've at least showed some interest in the process by every so often saying, "Are we there yet?"

When what's being done is for you...Don't under-estimate what the tiniest gesture displaying that you are indeed a team player will do for the self-esteem of the people trying to help you, you don't  know what that could mean to those sacrificing their time and energy on your behalf. Keep in mind, God didn't make you under in any circumstances to just lay low and wait. You couldn't enjoy  playing the victim, if you wanted to.

Eventually you would have to take up your bed and walk just as Jesus commanded the invalid  man to do in John 5:8-9 NKJ. You've been independent for far too long to just lay down and relinquish all your power to another soul, even if they are four souls that mean well.

Think About This: Jesus healed the invalid man, but once that same man found the inner-strength to pick up his bed and walk...He made himself whole. 

SOMEBODY reading this today: You can make yourself whole by allowing yourself to be helped and knowing they're just help and not a replacement for you and the things God has called you to. Once you get over this current situation that has had a crippling effect on you...You will be okay, you will be okay. 

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, June 1, 2019

6/2/19 Broken and Dangerous"


5 Minutes of Focus

"Broken and Dangerous"

Like a glass

when it's broken is dangerous because its sharp edges are now showing, because what's in the glass is now coming out.

Beloved, so are you and God knows it. He knows you are broken and dangerous.

You see, right about now, you feel like letting all your sharp edges show and cutting somebody up pretty good with your words, you feel like telling them everything inside you about how they have mistreated you, mishandled you etc.

Right now, your heart is broken, you are broken and dangerous. Right now,  you are so far away from forgiving them and letting it go.

So, God, he's keeping you hid for now until you can heal and learn to forgive, learn to pray for  those that despitefully misuse you  just as the bible says in Matt 5:44.

This is not God's first rodeo though.

He's had to do this type of thing before, because truthfully nobody is as forgiving as Jesus was  upfront on that cross.

"Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." 

 Luke 23:34

Do you know the amazing strength it took for Jesus to say that, after all they'd done against him?

As I said though, God has done this before. He's hidden a broken and dangerous person or two before.

For example: Joseph...

When his brothers talked about him,  calling him,  "That Dreamer" and viciously throwing him in a pit. God immediately got Joseph sold into slavery, taking him away from his brothers, before Joseph could voice how angry and hurt he was, before Joseph's sharp edges could show and everything inside of him could come out.

Think about it. I mean, Joseph had to be fuming with anger, feeling hurt and abused at the hands of his brothers (of all people) when he came out that pit.

He certainly was in no shape to forgive at that time.  So, God had him taken to Egpt far away from his brothers, sold into slavery far away from his brothers.

Genesis 37

He hid Joseph. He hid his brokenness because in his brokeness, Joseph was dangerous. His sharp edges were ready to cut and not heal. Healing would take some time, some much needed time away from home, away from his father's house and those brothers of his. 

SOMEBODY: I know you can relate to everything being said....You need some time away from some people too.

So, Joseph goes to Egypt , and for awhile everything is fine. His brokeness seems to be healing and then comes the second attack:

Potiphar's wife (his boss's wife) lied on him, claiming he raped her. Again, God got Joseph out of there before his sharp edges could show, before everything inside of him could come out. Joseph flees the home and gets sent to prision.

Genesis 39

In prison, Joseph's anointing increases and he helps a lot of people. People who would forget about him and leave him there, imprisoned. The point is: Joseph stayed imprisoned in Egypt, hidden until he was able to forgive.

Genesis 40

By the time, Joseph got out of prison...His brokenness, hurt, and anger had healed, been delivered from him and he was able to forgive his brothers and not give Potiphar's wife a second thought. Joseph realized it had all been a "God Thing."

Genesis 50:20

Beloved, It's a God thing. You, being hidden right now is a God thing. Beloved, You can't say and do everything you want to. God expects more of you than to take the low rode with your enemies. In the words of Michelle Obama: "When they go low, we got high." God would expect nothing less. So, you're hidden until the brokenness heals, until the anger is not just pacified, but delivered out of you and you become whole; whole enough to forgive. 

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy