Sunday, March 31, 2019

3/31/19 "Fighting For Your Core"


5  Minutes of Focus 

"Fighting For Your Core"

David had been a worshiper since he was a young boy out in the field, tending his Father's sheep. He would be out there singing psalms to the Lord and giving Him glory for every victory. 1 Samuel 16 & 17 Psalm 23

Fast forward, David becomes a man and he's still a worshiper. Only this time,  it's not in songs or words, but in dance. David danced, giving God the glory for the victory yet again.


2 Samuel 6

SOMEBODY: Now that you're married, now that you're in that relationship, now that you're a parent...You've lost that part of you that has always been you. And you're with someone  who is not supportive at all of you doing "that thing" that has always been you at your core.

You used to love to praise dance, to sing, to write, to play sports etc..

But now like David, you find yourself defending your actions because your spouse, your mate doesn't understand YOUR NEED to do what you love. They don't understand  you're more than just a wife, more than just a husband, more than just the children's dad, you're more than just the kid's mom.

God made you to be a multi-tasker.. He knew there would be more than one thing, you would desire to do; no one thing would fulfill EVERYTHING. So, Dont feel guilty for needing, desiring more. That's why the bible says: You can do ALL things through Christ who gives you strength. Philip 4:13

So, Be strengthen. Keep your main priorities 1st. Balance yourself, pace yourself. YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS. I pray your spouse, your mate comes to their senses and stops fighting what's at the core of your being. 

Had Michal come to her senses and kept her mouth off of David's dancing, she wouldn't have been barren until her death.

2 Samuel 6:20-23

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 

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