Saturday, March 2, 2019

3/3/19 "The Work Apron"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"The Work Apron"

Martha welcomed Jesus into her home. Then she proceeded to put on her work apron and do nothing put worry and complain the whole time. She worried about the preparations that still needed to be done. She complained because her sister, Mary was not helping and had left her to do all the work by herself. 

Martha was completely distracted and missing out on an opportunity to sit at Jesus feet.

Luke 10:38-42 NIV

A shout out to those of you, so quick to put on your work apron, business apron, career apron, ministry apron...Working on this, working on that. All the while, missing out on what's really important. Missing out on family time, your kid's football game, dance recitals, tournaments, school plays; precious moments you can't get back.

In the case of Martha though..She missed out on some really important time with Jesus..Time that could have balanced her life, her schedule and showed her how to properly prioritize.

Beloved, You don't need more hours in the day....You don't need more time. There's a reason God only gave us 24 hours per day. There's a reason he only worked 6 days and rested on the 7th in the Book of Genesis. 

Learn how to work smart, not longer, smarter. Learn when to put the work apron on and when to pull it off. Like Martha, you complain about the help you're not getting and you're missing out on some instructions that could change your life.

The bible says: They (us, you and me, we, the Holy Ones) sit at Jesus feet and receive instructions.  Deut 33:3 NIV

So ,for those of you who think..."I don't have time to sit." This needs to be done, that needs to be done.

Beloved, You will always have needs as long as you're out of His presence. He is the one that teaches you to profit....So, you can't afford not to sit and listen. Isaiah 48:17 AMP

He is the one who told Peter where the money was, how to go about getting it; money Peter needed to pay their tax debt. Matthew 17 :24-27 CEV

See, what you need is not in that work apron, business apron, career apron, ministry apron alone. Without Jesus, it all means nothing. If you can't  balance your work/ home life successfully, but you keep getting overwhelmed....It means nothing.

So, Stop getting distracted when he's near...That's rude. You need Him.

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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