Sunday, March 17, 2019

3/17/19 "Mind-Shifting"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Mind- Shifting"

BELOVED, Your thinking controls your being. If you think you're a grasshopper, you will live a grasshopper existence, hopping around the same territory for years, because you're too afraid to think anything bigger of yourself....AND so like the Israelites you're in the wilderness, mentally trying to weave your way through with little or no mental strength left. Numbers 13 KJ

That's why the bible doesn't wait for us to dictate our thoughts, but the bible tells us clearly, unapologetically what it is, we should be thinking about. Think on that which is lovely, pure, praiseworthy and of a good report etc. Philip 4:8

Otherwise, our minds will be like a vacuum cleaner, subtly having the strength sucked out, based on our own unhealthy thought patterns...Not necessarily what the devil is doing, but what we are doing to ourselves or not doing for ourselves. 

Overall, It's such an easy trap to fall into. As long as Naomi's husband was alive, her sons were alive and together with their wives and Naomi felt "somewhat" financially secure....There was no talk, no thought of calling herself, "Mara" a name that means bitter. But as soon as life hit, and things weren't picture perfect, things weren't going her way....Her mind shifted from a strong, secure, confident place, to the dark, painfully weak, unknowing place of a grasshopper. 

Ruth Chapter 1

She no longer knew her strength and it's just sad... When your strength is based on the marriage you have or don't have, the kids you have or don't have, HANNAH (1Samuel Chapter 1), the finances you have or don't have etc.

But many of you can relate...It's time you let go of thoughts that don't make you strong. Think on things ONLY associated with you (individually) as a person that are pure ( has no hidden agenda) and somehow reminds of you of the person you used to be. Start getting strong mentally again one day at a time. No more mind-shifting. Your thoughts shall remain stable.

Until Next Sunday.

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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