Sunday, March 24, 2019

3/24/19 "System Reboot"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"System Reboot"

SOMEBODY: You're system needs to reboot itself. You need to start over, get yourself together and start over. Release whatever it is, in your system causing you to lag behind in things you should be achieving from day to day. Little daily task are slowing you down. Why? Because of what's in your system.

In 2 Kings 4:35 NIV The boy sneezed 7 times. Then he opened his eyes....After he got all that stuff out his system, after he cleared his air passages and could breathe, and could live, he could see all the stuff that had been inside of him, stuff that needed to be released.

But you, you're not a boy. You're a grown man. You're not a girl. You're a grown woman...So chances are, you've had whatever it is, in your system much longer than the boy had in 2 Kings 4.

It's time you took some actions toward releasing that stuff. The boy sneezed 7 times...What do you need to do to clear the air, to finally see what's inside of you, to reboot your system?  Maybe, delete some phone numbers, unfriend a friend or two on social media, stop referring to "your ex" as your ex; giving him or her a permanent title in your life....Get it out your system. These are just some suggestions. 

Elisha didn't have to tell the boy to sneeze 7 times after life re-entered his body...It just came naturally, his body figured out what to do to reboot his system. BELOVED, I believe in you. You'll get there, you will figure some things out too and reboot your system. 

The bible talks about how you can't put new wine into old wine skins. Matt 9:17

The old must be released to make room for the new. The new life,  the new journey that lies ahead, that's currently laying dormant inside of you because you can't breathe, because you're not yet bold enough to clear the air and reboot...But as I said earlier, You will get there. I believe in you.

It's time to reboot, to spring forward...Too much has been holding you back, hindering your progress. Reboot your system..

.Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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