Saturday, April 6, 2019

4/7/19 "I Just Need To Be Me"


● Picture & Title Inspired By: Mallary Hope 

5 Minutes of Focus 

"I Just Need To Be Me"

Saul put his armor on David.... 

But David couldn't stay suited up like that. He just didn't feel like himself in all that armor, he wasn't used to it.

1 Samuel 17:38-39 NKJ

BELOVED, Tell Me: How can you be expected to face something as big as Goliath, when don't even feel like yourself?

Every second you spend not being yourself, you're giving the devil the advantage over you. 

God made you who you are, the way you are, located where you are for a reason. The space you're in, the environment you're in, even the time zone you're in would all greatly benefit from you choosing to be YOU.

You just need to be you and that would solve a lot of your problems. That situation you're trying to face is all confused, because you're confused.

You're not thinking like you,

acting like you and therefore, you're not responding like you. 

Declare it into the atmosphere: "I Just Need To Be Me"

Break the hold the devil has over your mind by coming to the realization that "I Just Need To Be Me."  There's no greater person you could ever be other than the best you.

Thankfully, David realized that before it was too late. He pulled off Saul's armor and headed down to the brook to think out his own fight strategy.

SOMEBODY:If water calms you...When was the last time, you went down to the brook, down to the lake to fish? When was the last time, you went for a ride just long enough somewhere to clear your mind?

When was the last time, you had a fight strategy, a plan, that was really yours and no one else's?

When David went down to the brook and picked up  5 smooth stones..He was declaring, "I Just Need To Be Me. I'm a winner every time I choose to be me."

With God and that kind of mind set, it comes as no surprise that David defeated Goliath in spite of his size.

You can defeat some things in your life too by just being YOU.

God is with YOU.

Read all about it 1 Samuel Chapter 17 and be encouraged. 

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 


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