Saturday, March 30, 2019

3/31/19 "Saved But Not Delivered"


"SAVED But Not Delivered"


SAVED is not some magical feeling you get when you give your life to God. 

SAVED is not a feeling that can be measured by your emotional state or we would ALL be disqualified.

I know that bible says, " In Christ, we are a new creation"... But even a new creation can carry the same old habits.

2 Corin 5:17 NKJ

For example: A baby, newly born into this world...Even though, the baby is a new creation, he still could have a habit of sucking his thumb, an old habit passed down to him from his mother's side of the family; they were all some thumb suckers.

The baby is a new creation, but it's going to take some time to break him out of the habit of sucking his thumb.

In the same way...Stop beating yourself up because you sincerely love God, but you still struggle with some old habits.

It's going to take time to break you out of that habit (whatever it is).

You are not alone. 

Peter loved Jesus...Peter was one of Jesus disciples (meaning he had a real relationship with Jesus)...

But Peter also was a violent man, capable of cutting a man's ear off, simply because he didn't like what was about to happen...And when he couldn't control the situation, he cut off a man's ear.

Can you relate?

Do you respond with violence when you don't like something or you can't control a situation? 

John 18

Deliverance comes the LORD and it is a process.

Psalm 3:8 NIV

Remember it was your Spirit that got saved, but your soul (your mind, will and emotions) didn't. 

Therefore, It's going to take time to break any old habits you have. Very rarely, do we heard about somebody that got saved and automatically stopped doing this and that.

Most of us are like Peter.

Peter was still violent,  because Peter needed to be delivered...He was saved but not delivered. 

Meditation Points:

1. It took something happening and Jesus gently talking Peter's anger down, for Peter to finally put down the sword. John 18....Otherwise, Peter would have still be violent, angry, cutting of people's ears etc.

2. So, The next time something happens that's out of character for the "new you" but is every bit the "old you."..Invite Jesus in. Invite God in, talk openly and honestly to him about the issue or issues that's preventing you from being great. 

3. Stop beating yourself up about what you said or done. 

4. Instead, Go to Him (Go to God) in prayer, he is inviting you:

I, the LORD, invite you

to come and talk it over.

Your sins are scarlet red,

but they will be whiter

than snow or wool.

Isaiah 1:18 CEV

5. BELOVED, Believe me, you would rather go to God willingly and address what you're struggling with....

Then for God to make you change; the way he made Saul change.

Read: Acts 9 NIV

Father God,

Help that one change little by little.

Help that one that keeps willingly coming to you, confessing to you what their struggling with.

Take away the struggle with alcohol. 

Take away the struggle with sex.

Take away the struggle with profanity and lying. 

Take away the struggle 

Take away the struggle.

Take away the struggle. 

Whatever it is...Take away the struggle. 

In Jesus name. 


Here when you need me.

Until Next Month,

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 

Call Or Text: 865-408-8690


● For prayer and/or bible based consultation.

Prolific Fire ~ Seeking 2 Help You Where You Hurt!

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