Sunday, July 8, 2018

7/8/18 " Caught Up In What You Can't Stop"


5 Minutes of Focus

 "Caught Up In What You Can't Stop"

In John 8: 1-11 NKJ

We find a woman caught up in what she knows is wrong, but because it provides her with the love and attention her soul has always craved, she continues against her inner will, she continues to provide for HERSELF a temporary solution.

She was caught up in what she couldn't stop ..She had forefeited her good reputation, she had forefited the person she knew herself to be, for THIS.

So when the Pharisees brought her to Jesus (unbeknownst to them), they were actually bringing her to the very place she needed to be.

Sometimes, It takes a Pharisee (somebody snooping around in your business) to get you the deliverance you need.

She needed to be exposed, so that her body could be free and cleansed, so that her heart could be healed and delivered from that (soul tie), from the way she'd been living.

SOMETIMES the mask that needs to be removed is yours. Sometimes the person you need to heal from is YOU.

She couldn't keep going on indefinitely like that and neither can you...

Searching for love in all the wrong places, searching for attention and acceptance in all the wrong places. 

You see, the devil thought by exposing her, exposing YOU he would be doing damage to GOD'S Kingdom..But all the while, God was drawing her, drawing you to that moment with Jesus.

With love and kindness have I drawn thee.

 Jere 31:3 KJV

And Jesus was ready..He stooped down and wrote in the dirt. (The dirt-symbolic of all the SINFUL things, the negative info the devil had on her, had on you). Jesus stooped down and wrote, when he got finished and looked up every accuser was GONE!!!

That's because the same hand that exposed them COVERED you and gave you another chance. 

He loves you; covered in the grace and mercy of his love.. Soul ties (cycles) break, bodies get healed and delivered, hearts heal, and people that are far from perfect get a chance to really LIVE.  Read Ezekiel 16 NIV

Therefore, Beloved from this day forth...Go and sin no more.

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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