Tuesday, July 31, 2018

7/31/18 "What Happens When You Have God's Permission and things still go wrong "

July 31, 2018

"What Happens When You Have God's Permission and things still go wrong

Peter asked and got Jesus's permission to come out on the water. Things were going good at first, but then even though, he had been given permission and Jesus was right there with him...Things ended up going terribly wrong.
Matthew 14

Perhaps, You can relate. Things started out good for you and you just knew, you were walking in the Will of God...
Until like Peter, you started to drown...
Your finances started drowning.
The support system (you thought you had) started drowning.
Every thing that could go wrong, went wrong and you were drowning....EXCEPT YOU DIDN'T ACTUALLY DROWN.

You were afraid. You panicked.
You had a panic attack. You had a nervous breakdown (or you came close to having one)...You stopped looking to Jesus and started looking at your situation.

Beloved, That's the problem. It's not that permission was given prematurely or that permission wasn't really given at all (you just thought it was)....No, permission was given. God gave you permission, but you stop looking to him, to Jesus when things got hard, and you started fearing and trying to fight in your own strength to get things done.

Meditation Points:

1. When God is left out of what you're doing...Trying to do it on your own becomes HARD, COMPLICATED, DOWN RIGHT IMPOSSIBLE .
It becomes something you fear facing daily, it becomes something you worry about finishing, completing, being able to do at all.

2. Notice: As long as Peter was looking to Jesus (for support)....He could walk on the water. He was fearless and could accomplish the impossible.  But when he stop looking to Jesus, this same man couldn't even walk, move or make moves...So much for making BOSS MOVES. Huh, Peter?

3. I don't care what nobody says: It's hard to be a good mom, a good dad, a good wife or husband a successful business owner, a powerful ministry leader or just be impactful (in general) as a person, when you're controled by fear, by doubt, feeling overwhelmed. 

4. Beloved, God give you permission, but now give YOURSELF permission to ask for help...It's okay.
It's okay to say, Lord, save me.

5. Remember: The bible says, You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
You are ready for anything (in Christ).
Philip 4:13 NIV (AMPC)

6. Remember: The bible also says, Two can put  ten thousand to flight. 
Deut 32:30

7. To sum it all up, you can do nothing in your own strength....You need help. You need assistance.  You need God. You need Jesus...He won't leave you when all others walk away and can't handle what you're going through.

8. What I LOVE about Jesus most in Matthew 14 is: He gave Peter the opportunity of a lifetime AND he didn't leave Peter out there alone, when he started to trip (started to panic).

Hope you were blessed.
Until Next Month. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 

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Prolific Fire ~ Seeking 2 Help You Where You Hurt! (Which simply means we deal with real issues using #TheBible as a reference).

Mentorship Corner is offered only once a month and is meant for those who are interested in being mentored prophetically. 

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