Sunday, July 29, 2018

7/29/18 "Handling Your Faults"


5 Minutes Of Focus 

"Handling Your Faults"

Jonah 1:12-15 NIV

12 Pick me up and throw me into the sea," he (Jonah) replied, " and it will become calm. I know that it is my fault that this great storm has come upon you."

Beloved, It's not always easy to admit when something is your fault  and handle it, by doing what you can to make things right.

Do you think it was easy for Jonah to admit the storm that had come upon the sailors, was his fault?

Do you think it was easy for Jonah to ask the sailors to throw him overboard into the sea?

It wasn't. But Jonah knew in order to save the men (the sailors) who had been nothing but good to him, in order to calm the storm, in order for God to use him, the way God wanted to use him...He had to stop being disobedient,  stop being hard- headed and FESS UP!..Give up his right to remain silent, and fess up, and DO WHAT HE COULD to make the situation right. 

SOMEBODY: You know the situation is not right and you also know, it's your fault that others are even involved. They may strongly dislike you when you confess, but you must SAY and DO something.  Aren't you tired of the same storm hitting your life over and over again?

Aren't you tired of feeling like your blessings are held up?

No amount of giving is going to fix this..You must demonstrate the real ministry of reconciliation, leave what you're trying to do and go try to make things right with them. They already suspect YOU anyway (the way the sailors suspected Jonah's involvement). 

Jonah 1:7 NIV 

 If at the altar, you remember your brother has something AGAINST YOU leave your offering there. Go and be reconciled. Then come back and give your gift.Matthew 5:23-24 (paraphrased from the NIV) 

God is more interested in you handling your faults and being a RESPONSIBLE CHRISTIAN than the gift you give him on Sunday. Your offering to God won't fix, what he made YOU capable of fixing.

Until Next Sunday,

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 

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