Sunday, July 15, 2018

7/15/18 "Forbidden Fruit"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Forbidden Fruit"

In Gen 3:1-11 NIV

Adam and Eve were as guilty as SIN in the Garden, for they had disobeyed God and ate from a place that they shouldn't have. Forced into hiding by their own paranoia (fear)...Not so much of God, but it was the fear of disappointing Him that made them hide their nakedness from him.

Almost in the same way... Some children (when they know, they've done something wrong) fear their punishment, but are MORE fearful of disappointing their parents...So they start saying, "I'm sorry... Mama, I'm sorry. Daddy, I'm sorry."

You see, Beloved..That's what sin does...Sin opens your spirit up to fear. Adam had no fear in him UNTIL he ate that forbidden fruit.

Up UNTIL then, Adam walked with God in the cool of the day. He had a very special one on one relationship with God..There was no fear involved UNTIL he ate that forbidden fruit. 

And the bible says: You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth? Gal 5:7 NIV

Beloved, Who or what has been that forbidden fruit for you? Who or what have you  found yourself indulging in? You know, God told you not to, but you disobeyed.

So, Now you feel guilty like you've disappointed Him...Even though, HE KNEW of your nakedness in that particular area from YOUR beginning and HE CHOSE not cover it.

Who or what is it that has come between you and God?

You don't talk to Him on your morning walks anymore, you don't talk to Him on your way to work anymore. Instead, you  listen to music, trying to drown out what's in your head. 

Sin has filled you with fear and God simply wants to know, "Where are you?"

Be careful not to offer Him an excuse as an answer like Adam did.

Just REPENT, man or woman up to any consquences your actions set in motion. Get back in right standing with God.  He still loves YOU (Nothing meaning NO THING or NOBODY can change that). He has loved you with an Everlasting love...Don't doubt HIS love for you. John 15:9 AMP

Jere 31:3 NIV

Come out of hiding...Return to your place in God, that place where there was no fear, but love, relationship, genuine fellowship in the garden (in your house, in your car, on your job etc).

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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