Wednesday, July 4, 2018

7/4/18 "Closure"



John 20:1-16 NIV

In the text, we see that Mary is visibly shaken, very upset to point of tears....Standing at the tomb crying because someone had taken her LORD away and she has no idea what they've done with his body. She didn't understand that Jesus had to rise from the dead (according to Scripture).

She didn't understand all of that, but Mary was just a woman, a person in need of closure. With so many questions running through her head, " Who took Him? Where did they take Him? Why?"

She was in desperate need of closure. 

SOMEBODY: You don't know what happened or why...There's a whole part of your life that has so many unanswered questions. You tried reaching out, you tried to "secretly" investigate and ask a few questions here and there, but it's no use...YOU NEED CLOSURE.

Notice: In the text, Mary didn't find the answers, the closure she needed UNTIL Jesus showed up...He showed up in response to her tears. 

Let that encourage your heart to keep crying out to HIM, be honest with HIM in prayer, develop a stronger relationship with HIM. Stop trying to confront that person or the people, and watch Jesus bring you peace, bring you closure through your relationship with HIM.

You see, closure may not come the way you want or how you want, but the LORD knows what's best. Trust that!

Sometimes you really do have to just let go and let God.

Pour out your heart like a water in the presence of the LORD. Lamentations 2:19 NIV

Receive Your Closure...

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 

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