Sunday, July 22, 2018

7/22/18 "Daddy, Who Am I?"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Daddy, Who Am I ?"

In Matthew 1

We see that Jesus was Mary's baby boy, born to her by way of the Holy Spirit. Yet, even though, the Holy Spirit came upon her and helped her conceive..The instructions came upon Joseph and NOT Mary (as it relates to the boy's identity). 

The angel of the LORD appeared to Joseph in a dream and said: She will give birth to a son, and YOU are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. 

Matt 1:21 NIV

Mary had the womb so she could give birth to her baby, but Joseph had been given the authority to establish the baby's identity.

So, Joseph was in place, doing what he'd been given the authority to do as Jesus' earthly father..Therefore, as Jesus got older, he didn't have to take to the streets in search of his identity. He knew who he was from an early age and the one time, he did venture off...He was found in The Temple because he knew who he was.

Luke 2:41-52 NIV

Sadly though, so many children struggle with knowing who they are...Indentity crisis in children is a real thing.

Children not knowing the whole of who they are..Only knowing parts of themselves and wondering about the rest, because Daddy was never there to speak into their young lives and call them by name, prophesying to their very existence.."THIS" is who you are.

You are Jesus meaning "Savior"..Just knowing that helped instill in Jesus what would become his life's mission, it gave his life direction, it kept him for hooking up with the wrong people, because he knew he had to be about His Father's business. 

Those of you (like myself) who grew up without a Father...Just imagine had your Father been there to give you direction, the possible mistakes, heartbreaks you could have avoided.

But because Daddy chose to mishandle his authority or perhaps, HE NEVER UNDERSTOOD WHO HE WAS...The cycle continues.

Boy, Whoever said: "What you don't know won't hurt you"..LIED!!!

BUT GOD....Psalm 68:5 NIV 💜

 Always, but GOD. 

Fathers: Search the scriptures,  and ask God for wisdom to know who you are, to know the authority you've been given, and then get in place because... 

No child deserves to be left wondering, "Daddy, Who I Am?"

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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