Tuesday, July 31, 2018

7/31/18 "What Happens When You Have God's Permission and things still go wrong "

July 31, 2018

"What Happens When You Have God's Permission and things still go wrong

Peter asked and got Jesus's permission to come out on the water. Things were going good at first, but then even though, he had been given permission and Jesus was right there with him...Things ended up going terribly wrong.
Matthew 14

Perhaps, You can relate. Things started out good for you and you just knew, you were walking in the Will of God...
Until like Peter, you started to drown...
Your finances started drowning.
The support system (you thought you had) started drowning.
Every thing that could go wrong, went wrong and you were drowning....EXCEPT YOU DIDN'T ACTUALLY DROWN.

You were afraid. You panicked.
You had a panic attack. You had a nervous breakdown (or you came close to having one)...You stopped looking to Jesus and started looking at your situation.

Beloved, That's the problem. It's not that permission was given prematurely or that permission wasn't really given at all (you just thought it was)....No, permission was given. God gave you permission, but you stop looking to him, to Jesus when things got hard, and you started fearing and trying to fight in your own strength to get things done.

Meditation Points:

1. When God is left out of what you're doing...Trying to do it on your own becomes HARD, COMPLICATED, DOWN RIGHT IMPOSSIBLE .
It becomes something you fear facing daily, it becomes something you worry about finishing, completing, being able to do at all.

2. Notice: As long as Peter was looking to Jesus (for support)....He could walk on the water. He was fearless and could accomplish the impossible.  But when he stop looking to Jesus, this same man couldn't even walk, move or make moves...So much for making BOSS MOVES. Huh, Peter?

3. I don't care what nobody says: It's hard to be a good mom, a good dad, a good wife or husband a successful business owner, a powerful ministry leader or just be impactful (in general) as a person, when you're controled by fear, by doubt, feeling overwhelmed. 

4. Beloved, God give you permission, but now give YOURSELF permission to ask for help...It's okay.
It's okay to say, Lord, save me.

5. Remember: The bible says, You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
You are ready for anything (in Christ).
Philip 4:13 NIV (AMPC)

6. Remember: The bible also says, Two can put  ten thousand to flight. 
Deut 32:30

7. To sum it all up, you can do nothing in your own strength....You need help. You need assistance.  You need God. You need Jesus...He won't leave you when all others walk away and can't handle what you're going through.

8. What I LOVE about Jesus most in Matthew 14 is: He gave Peter the opportunity of a lifetime AND he didn't leave Peter out there alone, when he started to trip (started to panic).

Hope you were blessed.
Until Next Month. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 

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Sunday, July 29, 2018

7/29/18 "Handling Your Faults"


5 Minutes Of Focus 

"Handling Your Faults"

Jonah 1:12-15 NIV

12 Pick me up and throw me into the sea," he (Jonah) replied, " and it will become calm. I know that it is my fault that this great storm has come upon you."

Beloved, It's not always easy to admit when something is your fault  and handle it, by doing what you can to make things right.

Do you think it was easy for Jonah to admit the storm that had come upon the sailors, was his fault?

Do you think it was easy for Jonah to ask the sailors to throw him overboard into the sea?

It wasn't. But Jonah knew in order to save the men (the sailors) who had been nothing but good to him, in order to calm the storm, in order for God to use him, the way God wanted to use him...He had to stop being disobedient,  stop being hard- headed and FESS UP!..Give up his right to remain silent, and fess up, and DO WHAT HE COULD to make the situation right. 

SOMEBODY: You know the situation is not right and you also know, it's your fault that others are even involved. They may strongly dislike you when you confess, but you must SAY and DO something.  Aren't you tired of the same storm hitting your life over and over again?

Aren't you tired of feeling like your blessings are held up?

No amount of giving is going to fix this..You must demonstrate the real ministry of reconciliation, leave what you're trying to do and go try to make things right with them. They already suspect YOU anyway (the way the sailors suspected Jonah's involvement). 

Jonah 1:7 NIV 

 If at the altar, you remember your brother has something AGAINST YOU leave your offering there. Go and be reconciled. Then come back and give your gift.Matthew 5:23-24 (paraphrased from the NIV) 

God is more interested in you handling your faults and being a RESPONSIBLE CHRISTIAN than the gift you give him on Sunday. Your offering to God won't fix, what he made YOU capable of fixing.

Until Next Sunday,

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 

Sunday, July 22, 2018

7/22/18 "Daddy, Who Am I?"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Daddy, Who Am I ?"

In Matthew 1

We see that Jesus was Mary's baby boy, born to her by way of the Holy Spirit. Yet, even though, the Holy Spirit came upon her and helped her conceive..The instructions came upon Joseph and NOT Mary (as it relates to the boy's identity). 

The angel of the LORD appeared to Joseph in a dream and said: She will give birth to a son, and YOU are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. 

Matt 1:21 NIV

Mary had the womb so she could give birth to her baby, but Joseph had been given the authority to establish the baby's identity.

So, Joseph was in place, doing what he'd been given the authority to do as Jesus' earthly father..Therefore, as Jesus got older, he didn't have to take to the streets in search of his identity. He knew who he was from an early age and the one time, he did venture off...He was found in The Temple because he knew who he was.

Luke 2:41-52 NIV

Sadly though, so many children struggle with knowing who they are...Indentity crisis in children is a real thing.

Children not knowing the whole of who they are..Only knowing parts of themselves and wondering about the rest, because Daddy was never there to speak into their young lives and call them by name, prophesying to their very existence.."THIS" is who you are.

You are Jesus meaning "Savior"..Just knowing that helped instill in Jesus what would become his life's mission, it gave his life direction, it kept him for hooking up with the wrong people, because he knew he had to be about His Father's business. 

Those of you (like myself) who grew up without a Father...Just imagine had your Father been there to give you direction, the possible mistakes, heartbreaks you could have avoided.

But because Daddy chose to mishandle his authority or perhaps, HE NEVER UNDERSTOOD WHO HE WAS...The cycle continues.

Boy, Whoever said: "What you don't know won't hurt you"..LIED!!!

BUT GOD....Psalm 68:5 NIV 💜

 Always, but GOD. 

Fathers: Search the scriptures,  and ask God for wisdom to know who you are, to know the authority you've been given, and then get in place because... 

No child deserves to be left wondering, "Daddy, Who I Am?"

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, July 15, 2018

7/15/18 "Forbidden Fruit"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Forbidden Fruit"

In Gen 3:1-11 NIV

Adam and Eve were as guilty as SIN in the Garden, for they had disobeyed God and ate from a place that they shouldn't have. Forced into hiding by their own paranoia (fear)...Not so much of God, but it was the fear of disappointing Him that made them hide their nakedness from him.

Almost in the same way... Some children (when they know, they've done something wrong) fear their punishment, but are MORE fearful of disappointing their parents...So they start saying, "I'm sorry... Mama, I'm sorry. Daddy, I'm sorry."

You see, Beloved..That's what sin does...Sin opens your spirit up to fear. Adam had no fear in him UNTIL he ate that forbidden fruit.

Up UNTIL then, Adam walked with God in the cool of the day. He had a very special one on one relationship with God..There was no fear involved UNTIL he ate that forbidden fruit. 

And the bible says: You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth? Gal 5:7 NIV

Beloved, Who or what has been that forbidden fruit for you? Who or what have you  found yourself indulging in? You know, God told you not to, but you disobeyed.

So, Now you feel guilty like you've disappointed Him...Even though, HE KNEW of your nakedness in that particular area from YOUR beginning and HE CHOSE not cover it.

Who or what is it that has come between you and God?

You don't talk to Him on your morning walks anymore, you don't talk to Him on your way to work anymore. Instead, you  listen to music, trying to drown out what's in your head. 

Sin has filled you with fear and God simply wants to know, "Where are you?"

Be careful not to offer Him an excuse as an answer like Adam did.

Just REPENT, man or woman up to any consquences your actions set in motion. Get back in right standing with God.  He still loves YOU (Nothing meaning NO THING or NOBODY can change that). He has loved you with an Everlasting love...Don't doubt HIS love for you. John 15:9 AMP

Jere 31:3 NIV

Come out of hiding...Return to your place in God, that place where there was no fear, but love, relationship, genuine fellowship in the garden (in your house, in your car, on your job etc).

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, July 8, 2018

7/8/18 " Caught Up In What You Can't Stop"


5 Minutes of Focus

 "Caught Up In What You Can't Stop"

In John 8: 1-11 NKJ

We find a woman caught up in what she knows is wrong, but because it provides her with the love and attention her soul has always craved, she continues against her inner will, she continues to provide for HERSELF a temporary solution.

She was caught up in what she couldn't stop ..She had forefeited her good reputation, she had forefited the person she knew herself to be, for THIS.

So when the Pharisees brought her to Jesus (unbeknownst to them), they were actually bringing her to the very place she needed to be.

Sometimes, It takes a Pharisee (somebody snooping around in your business) to get you the deliverance you need.

She needed to be exposed, so that her body could be free and cleansed, so that her heart could be healed and delivered from that (soul tie), from the way she'd been living.

SOMETIMES the mask that needs to be removed is yours. Sometimes the person you need to heal from is YOU.

She couldn't keep going on indefinitely like that and neither can you...

Searching for love in all the wrong places, searching for attention and acceptance in all the wrong places. 

You see, the devil thought by exposing her, exposing YOU he would be doing damage to GOD'S Kingdom..But all the while, God was drawing her, drawing you to that moment with Jesus.

With love and kindness have I drawn thee.

 Jere 31:3 KJV

And Jesus was ready..He stooped down and wrote in the dirt. (The dirt-symbolic of all the SINFUL things, the negative info the devil had on her, had on you). Jesus stooped down and wrote, when he got finished and looked up every accuser was GONE!!!

That's because the same hand that exposed them COVERED you and gave you another chance. 

He loves you; covered in the grace and mercy of his love.. Soul ties (cycles) break, bodies get healed and delivered, hearts heal, and people that are far from perfect get a chance to really LIVE.  Read Ezekiel 16 NIV

Therefore, Beloved from this day forth...Go and sin no more.

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

7/4/18 "Closure"



John 20:1-16 NIV

In the text, we see that Mary is visibly shaken, very upset to point of tears....Standing at the tomb crying because someone had taken her LORD away and she has no idea what they've done with his body. She didn't understand that Jesus had to rise from the dead (according to Scripture).

She didn't understand all of that, but Mary was just a woman, a person in need of closure. With so many questions running through her head, " Who took Him? Where did they take Him? Why?"

She was in desperate need of closure. 

SOMEBODY: You don't know what happened or why...There's a whole part of your life that has so many unanswered questions. You tried reaching out, you tried to "secretly" investigate and ask a few questions here and there, but it's no use...YOU NEED CLOSURE.

Notice: In the text, Mary didn't find the answers, the closure she needed UNTIL Jesus showed up...He showed up in response to her tears. 

Let that encourage your heart to keep crying out to HIM, be honest with HIM in prayer, develop a stronger relationship with HIM. Stop trying to confront that person or the people, and watch Jesus bring you peace, bring you closure through your relationship with HIM.

You see, closure may not come the way you want or how you want, but the LORD knows what's best. Trust that!

Sometimes you really do have to just let go and let God.

Pour out your heart like a water in the presence of the LORD. Lamentations 2:19 NIV

Receive Your Closure...

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 

Sunday, July 1, 2018

7/1/18 The Cost Of Some Relationships


5 Minutes of Focus 

"The Cost Of Some Relationships"

Judges 16 NIV

Samson was used to being the strong one. Known as the bible's strongest man of that time..Samson maintained his strength in every scenario, UNTIL he met Delilah.

Everybody has a weakness and Delilah was his kryptonite.

He never recovered from his involvement with her. 

The cost of some relationships.

He was tied to her and tied up because of her, hair cut, costing him his strength, costing him his anointing...But that wasn't enough for the devil, he also arranged to have Samson's eyes gouged out, because healthy eyes represent a healthy body that's full of light, and the devil would do anything to keep God's people (you and me) unhealthy and in the dark especially now.

Matt 6:22-23 NIV

Beloved, What has that relationship cost you?

How has the relationship cut you, injured you physically, emotionally etc.?

Are you still the strong person, you used to be?

Is your business, your ministry, your life producing fruit (evidence) that you're operating in more than just a form of godliness ( despite being connected to that person, that Delilah; male or female). 2 Tim 3:2-5 NIV

Are you still able to see and it's your own perspective and not something you got convinced of?

Are you healthy and full of light or can you feel the darkness creeping in?

These are very important questions to be answered honestly within yourself. 

It's time you were honest with YOURSELF.

SOMEBODY: You don't even feel like the person you used to be.

That's because in this season, the devil is not just settling for   snatching your strength, compromising your anointing...He wants to gouge out your eyes too.

He wants to take your health along with your strength,.

Looks like the Saints Of Old were on to something, when they used to say: "I thank God for waking me up this morning with a portion of my health and strength, clothed in my right mind."

Stay On Guard...Watch & PRAY.

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy