Saturday, May 16, 2020

5/17/20 "Rectify The Issue "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Rectify The Issue"

Rectify meaning put (something) right; correct.

SOMEBODY: You have an issue that's really gotten to you, really been bothering you. You've had this issue for years and it is an issue of blood, an issue with those BLOOD RELATIVES of yours, that is.

You're not physically bleeding like the woman with the issue of blood, but you definitely have been impacted by those you're blood related to.

You see, the woman in Mark 5:25-29 (NIV) had a physical illness and spent all the money she had trying to rectify the issue and you've spent all the free time you've had over the years, trying to rectify the issue you're having with certain relatives. Yet to be honest, it has gotten worse, just like things got worse for her (the woman with the issue of blood)...Things have got worse for you relationship- wise with certain blood relatives. 

But there is an old saying, that says: Things will get worse before they ever get better....And it can be biblically proven as well. 

Because things surely got worse for the woman with the issue of blood...But then over a period of time, things got better.

It got better because she changed what she had been doing...She didn't try to scrape up enough money to go to another doctor...AND don't you try to scrape up enough courage to go to that blood relative of yours one more time. 

YOU DON'T BEG, YOU ASK and then you stop asking, if they don't respond favorably. 

You get out of your head-space. In other words, stop thinking on it so much. It has become your whole subject of conversation. Stop it!

Instead, do what the woman with the issue of blood did...She took it all to Jesus...She took the illness in her body, the issue she was having, her debt, and emotional distress...She took it all to Jesus.

Beloved, Take it all to Jesus...Take yourself and  your issue, your blood relative and the issue you're having with them to JESUS.

He knows how to heal the things that we can't even begin to rectify on our own.

Remember, Jeremiah 30:17 (NKJ) talks about how God will restore health to the body and heal WOUNDS...and some of you have been severely wounded by family (by blood relatives).

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love. Prophetess Stacy

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