Saturday, May 9, 2020

5/10/20 "Jesus & The Perfect Mother's Day Gift "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Jesus & The Perfect Mother's Day Gift"

Jesus, when he was going through the hardest time of his life on The Cross...He still found a way to take care of his mother, to provide for his mother.

Why? Because Jesus understood the importance of honoring the woman who sacrificed herself to bring him into the world. The woman who "almost" lost her husband; all because she believed in what the Holy  Spirit had put in her and not some other man.
Matthew 1:18-20 NIV

So, those of you personally going through whatever you're going through....YOU CAN'T BE GOING THROUGH ANYTHING HARDER, MORE STRESSFUL than The Cross.
If Jesus could still find the strength to put something together, arrange  something special for His Mother from The Cross...What's your excuse? A "so-called" pandemic? Really. Get creative. 

Do something, if your mother is still ALIVE to honor her, to provide for her, to take care of her needs, her wants etc.

You see, Jesus being Jesus understood that after his death, burial, and resurrection in which he would go back to the Father....Mary would need somebody reliable to fill the void he would be leaving behind. So, he gives her John and perhaps, John was in need of a  Mother to comfort him, like only a mother can. So, he gives them to each other.
John 19:25-27 NIV

What a perfect gift... Putting two people together that would need each other, so that they could have each other when times got hard physically, hard emotionally. 

SIDENOTE: AND I BELIEVE, THIS HELPED JESUS give up "the ghost", die in peace, knowing that his mother would be okay without him.

Anyways, this definitely proves that every mother and son, every mother and daughter bond does not have to be biological...But whoever raised you, went out of their way, sacrificing themselves for YOU...That's who you honor today.

Motherhood is not always about blood, but it is always about LOVE.
Again, Jesus proved this by giving his own mother to John (his beloved disciple).
Just something powerful to think about.

Happy Mother's Day!!!
Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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