Saturday, May 2, 2020

5/3/20 "Blessings You Didn't Earn"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Blessings You Didn't Earn"

Now that you've had all the time in the world to think...THINK...But don't overthink and talk yourself out of, what God has spent all this time trying to talk you into.

Take Mephibosheth  for example: David (the King) showed up to bless Mephibosheth....The blessing was there. But it didn't go over too well with Mephibosheth because in his mind, he was still thinking of himself as a dead dog and David would have had a hard time convincing him otherwise; had he taken that approach. 

But he didn't.  Instead, David made the choice to ignore what was coming out of Mephibosheth's mouth and bless him anyway.  Afterall, this was not a blessing Mephibosheth had earned, but one he had inherited simply because of who his father was.
2 Samuel 9:1-11 NIV

Beloved, you might think of yourself as a dead dog, as a underdog etc...and it comes out in the way that you speak about yourself.

Still, that does not disqualify you from receiving a blessing you didn't earn in the first place.

🙌 SOMEBODY: YOU CAN'T BE GOOD ENOUGH to earn the blessing God is about to put on you.

And what's beautiful about Mephibosheth's story is that God didn't  consider Mephibosheth's physical condition or the position Mephibosheth felt he was in BEFORE sending  David over there to bless him.

Simply put: Because God is your Heavenly Father who you have an ACTIVE relationship with....When this quarantined stuff lifts, if God wants you at the table....Guess what?  You're coming to the table, issues and all. If God wants you eating like a king or queen...Guess what?  You will be.
If God wants some people working for you...Guess what?  They will be.

Mephibosheth was brought to the table in spite of his physical condition, in spite of how he felt about himself and the position he was in. He had people doing the work for him, keeping him provided for. It was a blessing that set him up to prosper and keep prospering, to emotionally heal and be okay for the rest of his life. That's the kind of God we serve.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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