Sunday, February 9, 2020

2/9/20 "There's A Dream Inside Of You"


5 Minutes of Focus

"There's A Dream Inside Of You"

Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more.
Genesis 37:5 NIV

God had been showing Joseph dreams (plural, meaning more than one) and though it made his brothers hate him even more...Still, God had been showing him dreams, preparing him mentally for what  was to come. Remember,  God knows the end from the beginning. (Isaiah 46:10) So, that by the time, Joseph found himself in that pit, it was that dream inside of him that wouldn't let him quit.

SOMEBODY: You've been wondering how it is that you've managed to keep going even though, you feel like quitting, you wanna quit....It's that dream that God placed in you. It won't let you quit.

In your hardest times, when you're really being tried and tested...Because remember the scripture says:
Until the time came to fulfill his dreams, the Lord tested Joseph’s character.
Psalms 105:19 NLT

In those times, here comes that dream, causing you to remember what God has shown you. In those times, here comes that dream building your hope up again for it's only a test of your character.  The pit, the prison, and the palace are all levels, stages Joseph had to go through and you have to go through too to get what you're dreaming about. So, you're in the pit now, hold on and press your way to the prison then the palace.

I know many of you probably feel like the Woman of Shunem in 2 Kings 4 NLT when she said to Elisha:
“O man of God, don’t deceive me and get my hopes up like that.”
2 Kings 4:16 NLT

Well, that's exactly what I'm doing getting your hopes up because that dream inside you won't let you quit, because it's yours. It's yours to obtain.

So, be encouraged as you move from level to level...You are getting closer.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS ~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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