Sunday, February 16, 2020

2/16/20 "It's Okay To Wait "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"It's Okay To Wait"

It's okay to let everybody else get out the boat....It's okay to let everybody else get out there and try whatever new thing there is to try. 

You don't have to be in a rush, especially since you don't feel like God is releasing you to move, step out in any certain direction right now.

Beloved, It's okay to be still (for a season) and wait patiently on the LORD. (Psalm 37:7 NLT)  You don't have anything to prove not to your family, not to your friends and certainly not to your foes. This is just something you have to do for you unapologetically. You're not being lazy or rude. What you're being is wise. There's wisdom in waiting, when you don't know what else to do.

Therefore, The other disciples were not fazed by Peter rushing to get out the boat....He saw Jesus walk on the water and now ALL OF A SUDDEN, he wanted to try it. So, he asked and Jesus released him to Come. 
Matthew 14:22-29 AMP

You see, The other disciples who remained on the boat understood that being out on the water was Peter's livelihood, it's what excited him. BEFORE becoming a disciple, Peter and his brother, Andrew (as well as a few of the other disciples), they were  all fishermen. See Matthew 4:18-22 NKJ. So being out on the water was apart of Peter's original career choice.  
Luke 5:1-11 AMP

Again, NOTICE: Being out on the water was Peter's livelihood. It's what excited HIM, the other disciples not so much or at least, they didn't seem to keep going back to it, like Peter did.  Beloved, If this new thing, you see some people around you rushing to try is not something that excites you, motivates you, could be considered your livelihood....You better do like the  other disciples and don't let it faze you. They remained on the boat because on the boat was the last place they KNEW God told them to be. 

Wherever you KNOW God last told you to be, remain there, stay put, awaiting further instructions.  It's okay to wait this one out. Wait on the LORD.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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