Saturday, February 1, 2020

2/2/20 "A Forced Goodbye "


5 Minutes Of Focus 

"A Forced Goodbye "

At this they wept aloud again. Then Orpah kissed her mother-in-law goodbye, but Ruth clung to her.
Ruth 1:14 NIV

Up until this point, no one saw it coming...Orpah showed no signs that she wouldn't be going to Bethlehem as planned with Naomi and Ruth. But it was that last appeal, Naomi made that forced Orpah to say one last tearful goodbye. 

Last Sunday, The world as a whole was forced to say a tear- filled goodbye to a legendary sports figure. No one saw it coming.... As a matter of fact, heads are still spinning, trying to make sense of this one; this one hit hard.

BELOVED, What do you do when life hits you HARD, strikes without warning and leaves you with NOTHING?

I'll tell you what you do: You reach for the one somebody who from the beginning in Genesis 1 took NOTHING and made it work for Him. He took NOTHING by faith and comprised the whole earth, though it was empty and void when he first saw it.

You reach for the one somebody who  has known BOTH life and death, and came out victorious, still possessing a sound mind and power... That same sound mind and power you have inside of you, when you're a believer.

You reach out to the one somebody who was acquainted (personally) with grief, but managed to deal with it and still function and do the things he needed to do.

Reach for JESUS because he knows how you feel. He himself was forced  to let go of HIS MOTHER on The Cross and he suffered the loss of  his cousin, John The Baptist while serving in ministry....He was beheaded. Jesus felt the loss, but was never given the proper time to grieve. Instead, he was forced to keep going for the other people who needed Him.

Just like you're being forced now to say goodbye, forced to ENDURE the pain, the hurt, and you can't even grieve like you want to, because of the other people who need you. You're trying to be STRONG for them. BELOVED, Jesus knows. Jesus understands. He is interceding for you. Open up your heart and let Him in. LIFE comes with a cost, but salvation is frree.

● John 19, Matthew 14, Hebrews 7:25, Revelation 1:18,
2 Timothy 1:7 NKJ,
Isaiah 53:3 NKJ

Until Next Sunday.
LPS-Love, Prophetess Stacy

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