Saturday, February 22, 2020

2/23/20 "I'm Not Feeling It"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"I'm Not Feeling It"

"I'm Not Feeling It"...You say. BELOVED, Stop being so quick to give up just because you don't feel anything. Happiness is a feeling, sadness is a feeling, but faith, faith is not a feeling. 

2 Corinthians 5:7 NIV says: We live by faith and not by sight....Which implies that faith is not a feeling, faith is not associated with any type of feeling, but faith is a lifestyle. 

God expects you to live faith even when you don't feel it...Because again, faith is not a feeling.

That's for those of you trying to stay in faith, but you don't feel anything and you don't see any thing happening that would suggest that your faith is working.

Do you think Hannah in 1 Samuel Chapter 1 always felt something?...No she didn't. Peninnah was still provoking her, still irritating her and she was still barren, she was still without a child of her own. And the bible says, this went on year after year which means for years, Hannah continued to pray without seeing any results, without always feeling faith, but still she remained faithful to her prayer life.
1 Samuel 1:1-20 NIV

I came to encourage & pray for somebody today: Stay faithful to your prayer life, stay faithful to what you know to do, whether you feel it or not because faith is not a feeling. It's a lifestyle.

Therefore, Some times you will have to travail in faith, travail in prayer...But don't quit  just because you don't see or feel anything.

Father God,
I pray over everyone whose not seeing the results they desire and so they're about to give up on faith, on praying because they don't see anything.

Help them to stop depending on sight to build their faith, or a feeling to determine, if faith for them is actually working.

But help them to live a life of faith before you regardless and to remain faithful to what they know to do.

Because in the end...If they travail, just like you did for Hannah...You will cause all things (the good, the bad, the ugly, and barrenness they've been through)  to work together for the good. Romans 8:28
In Jesus name,

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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