Saturday, July 13, 2019

7/14/19 "Word Teaser"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Word Teaser"

Somebody: You haven't been yourself for a long time now. It's like some evil spirit unbeknownst to you as taken over your body and you're doing things, destructive things you never would have thought to do, otherwise. 

Your kids are having to witness you act out in extreme measures and they're worried. One minute, you're laughing and joking and in the next, you're defensive, not wanting to face the truth.

But the truth is: Life can bring sudden disaster, sudden pain, sudden grieve and your emotions can become causality of a war you never enlisted to fight, but you're fighting.

You're fighting being single again, you're fighting being down to one income again, you're fighting the reality of being both mother and father to your children, you're fighting being kick down once again, you're fighting the rent that needs to paid, and the bills that he made etc. You're fighting, you're fighting.

So many battles in your head, none of which seems real, at this moment. You want to run to Jesus, leaning on your faith is your first instinct, but you're afraid.

You're afraid Jesus will condemn you and make you feel worse than you already feel. 

BELOVED, There is now, therefore no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. You are not condemned, not by Jesus at least.

Rom 8:1

You feel tortured by every thing that's going on inside you emotionally, not by Jesus. You are strong physically. Emotionally though, you're still trying to avoid breaking, you're still trying to avoid breaking down. 

Then, You spot that object in the room, just something to take your frustration out on. So, you throw it, you kick it, you scream, you used words that would be considered profanity... This is you breaking, breaking down, having a real moment...a much needed moment, a moment where there's no judgment and the chains finally begin to break.

This has been a "Word Teaser"...Just enough to tease you, interest you in hearing the full message entitled, "He Broke The Chains" coming soon to 

Stay Tuned.

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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