Saturday, May 4, 2019

5/5/19 "You Are Still Somebody's Child"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"You Are Still Somebody's Child" 

1 One day the LORD told Jonah, the son of Amittai,

2 to go to the great city of Nineveh and say to the people, "The LORD has seen your terrible sins. You are doomed!"

3 Instead, Jonah ran from the LORD. He went to the seaport of Joppa and found a ship that was going to Spain. 

Jonah 1:1-3 CEV

Jonah was running from the Lord, he was being hard-headed, he was being disobedient...But still, he was the son of Amittai. 

A Word 4 Somebody: You are still somebody's child. There's still a place where you belong.

Right now, you're running like Jonah and it's useless.

BELOVED, You can't outrun your issues and you certainly can't outrun God. 

Whether your parents are alive or deceased, whether you were sleeping on someone's couch or in your own tiny apartment before deciding to run away, to escape...You are still somebody's child. 

 There's still a place where you belong. I know, the devil is trying to tell you otherwise, but the devil is  a liar. No need to feel like little "Orphan Annie" or the store away in someone else's luggage. 

You are God's child and he's not mad at you for being disobedient, but he does wish you would stop being so hard-headed though and repent (turn away  from) what you're trying your best to run from.

Nobody's judging you, other than you. You are your own worst enemy.  God would love for you to try again.

God says, There is a place near Me where you may stand on a rock. Exodus 33:21 NIV

Stop running and stand. God will help you fight your inner demons.

Because you are still his child, every bit as much as Jonah was still the son of Amittai despite all his issues.

Until Next Sunday. 

 LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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