Sunday, May 19, 2019

5/19/19 "Testing 123, Testing!"


5 Minutes of Focus

"Testing 123, Testing!"

5-6 For the second test the Devil took him to the Holy City. He sat him on top of The Temple and said, "Since you are God's Son, jump."

Matthew 4:5-6 MSG

The Devil took Jesus to the Holy City....

Beloved, As a test, the devil (if you let him gain control) will take you to a place that seems right, seems innocent enough, seems "holy" enough as a way of testing you.

Just as he said to Jesus, "Since you are God's Son"....Since you are, who you say you are in God, the devil of course, will try you, he will test you.

Now, don't get it twisted, the devil has never been known for his faith. He used to be known as an angel in heaven, before he got "the big head" and was kicked out, but he was never known for his faith.

Ezekiel 28

Therefore, he  will not have faith in you and  take you at your word. No, you will have to show that devil a thing or two about who he's messing with.

 So, don't be surprised when  he shows up to test everything about you. It's in that moment, that you must know, what you know and not be intimidated by the things the devil is saying in your head.

It's only a test. The Devil will wait until you're at your highest point, he will wait until you're on top, or  he will deliberately sat you on top, just like he did Jesus... Just to see what you will do if you should fall, if you should fail, what you will do if you hit rock bottom with nothing to show for it, other than what God said.

It's Only A Test....Adjust yourself, and your thinking accordingly and pass the test.

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love,  Prophetess Stacy 

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