Sunday, May 26, 2019

5/26/19 "Painful Reconstruction"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Painful Reconstruction"

The pain associated with grief and a famine moved Ruth from Moab to Judah, just in time to meet Boaz. Otherwise, had she been happy....She would have remained complacent in Moab.

Ruth Chapter 2

Never under-estimate the season you're in...God can use your worst pain to bring about your greatest days.  I'm sure, Ruth never thought, when her husband was being laid to rest back in Moab that she would love again in Judah...But God.

SOMEBODY: There is a praise buried in the midst of the pain that will land you right where God wants you to be and reconstruct your life.

The bible says:

Before she goes into labor,

she gives birth;

before the pains come upon her,

she delivers a son.

Who has ever heard of such things?

Who has seen things like this?

Isaiah 66:7-8 NIV

BELOVED, Can't you see the pain was and is necessary? Otherwise, you would be trying to birth something, produce something that's out of order....trying to put the cart before the horse (so to speak).

Instead,  Follow the leading of your broken heart. Remembering in your brokenness that's when God is near;

He is near to the brokenhearted.

Psalm 34:18

So, you will do more than just survive this, you will live through this and like Ruth, you will live because of this.

Ruth lived and got the opportunity to love, and know her BOAZ because of the pain and where it had led her to.

She was standing, still standing after everything she had been through, standing in Boaz's field because the pain in her life had created a need.

SOMEBODY: You're going to meet the answer to your dreams and he or she will meet your needs. It will be a painful reconstruction, but one that's well-worth it. Hallelujah! 🙌

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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