Tuesday, April 30, 2019

4/30/19 "Dealing Successfully With Mockery"


• This Month's MENTORSHIP CORNER Topic:
"Dealing Successfully With Mockery"

I must admit I was highly offended when I first saw this photo of slayed rapper, Nipsey Hussle portrayed with a crown of thorns around his head...

I am sensitive when it comes to Jesus, my Lord and Savior. So, to see a photo of Nipsey in his image, didn't set well with me at all.

UNTIL I got a revelation...There's a saying that reminds us all that: 
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."
Form of flattery is a proverb which means that one imitates someone else because one admires that person or values what that person is doing.
So, It's a flattery though often unintended.

So, rather than get offended like I did...The next time someone mocks Jesus, the next time someone mocks you..DISARM THE ENEMY by treating his attempt at mockery as though, it was pure flattery; even though you know it was unintended. 

Getting offended, getting angry is only wasted energy when you know that the WORD clearly says: God is not mocked. He  cannot be mocked, which means you as his child, his offspring cannot be mocked. Eventually, the person (your enemies, your haters) will reap what they have sown, nothing more, nothing less.

And that...BELOVED is how you successfully deal with mockery.

Meditation Points:

1 Stand on the truth of the WORD.

2 Disarm the power of the enemy by receiving mockery (imitation) as flattery.

3 Turn the tables on the enemy by not getting offended.

4 Remind yourself: God cannot be mocked. He won't allow it (and if he does allow it for a season, he has good reason for doing so).

5 Overall, God is not mocked.  He cannot be mocked and neither can you or I as his child.

6 Meditate on this: Do not be deceived, God is not mocked (He will not allow Himself to be ridiculed, nor treated with contempt nor allow His precepts to be scornfully set aside);
for whatever a man sows, this and only this is what he will reap. 
Gal 6:7 AMP

Father God,
Help us to get passed this photo and hold on to the revelation on mockery found in the truth of your WORD...Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, after all.
Plus, we know what the end of it will be.
In Jesus name. 

I hope that helped SOMEBODY who is saved and sensitive about JESUS (like me).
Beloved, We got this. Let them draw, paint, say, write whatever.

Until Next Month. 
Here when you need me.
Hosea 12:13 NIV

CALL OR TEXT: 865-408-8690

LPS~ Love, 
Prophetess Stacy 

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