Sunday, March 31, 2019

3/31/19 "Fighting For Your Core"


5  Minutes of Focus 

"Fighting For Your Core"

David had been a worshiper since he was a young boy out in the field, tending his Father's sheep. He would be out there singing psalms to the Lord and giving Him glory for every victory. 1 Samuel 16 & 17 Psalm 23

Fast forward, David becomes a man and he's still a worshiper. Only this time,  it's not in songs or words, but in dance. David danced, giving God the glory for the victory yet again.


2 Samuel 6

SOMEBODY: Now that you're married, now that you're in that relationship, now that you're a parent...You've lost that part of you that has always been you. And you're with someone  who is not supportive at all of you doing "that thing" that has always been you at your core.

You used to love to praise dance, to sing, to write, to play sports etc..

But now like David, you find yourself defending your actions because your spouse, your mate doesn't understand YOUR NEED to do what you love. They don't understand  you're more than just a wife, more than just a husband, more than just the children's dad, you're more than just the kid's mom.

God made you to be a multi-tasker.. He knew there would be more than one thing, you would desire to do; no one thing would fulfill EVERYTHING. So, Dont feel guilty for needing, desiring more. That's why the bible says: You can do ALL things through Christ who gives you strength. Philip 4:13

So, Be strengthen. Keep your main priorities 1st. Balance yourself, pace yourself. YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS. I pray your spouse, your mate comes to their senses and stops fighting what's at the core of your being. 

Had Michal come to her senses and kept her mouth off of David's dancing, she wouldn't have been barren until her death.

2 Samuel 6:20-23

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 

Saturday, March 30, 2019

3/31/19 "Saved But Not Delivered"


"SAVED But Not Delivered"


SAVED is not some magical feeling you get when you give your life to God. 

SAVED is not a feeling that can be measured by your emotional state or we would ALL be disqualified.

I know that bible says, " In Christ, we are a new creation"... But even a new creation can carry the same old habits.

2 Corin 5:17 NKJ

For example: A baby, newly born into this world...Even though, the baby is a new creation, he still could have a habit of sucking his thumb, an old habit passed down to him from his mother's side of the family; they were all some thumb suckers.

The baby is a new creation, but it's going to take some time to break him out of the habit of sucking his thumb.

In the same way...Stop beating yourself up because you sincerely love God, but you still struggle with some old habits.

It's going to take time to break you out of that habit (whatever it is).

You are not alone. 

Peter loved Jesus...Peter was one of Jesus disciples (meaning he had a real relationship with Jesus)...

But Peter also was a violent man, capable of cutting a man's ear off, simply because he didn't like what was about to happen...And when he couldn't control the situation, he cut off a man's ear.

Can you relate?

Do you respond with violence when you don't like something or you can't control a situation? 

John 18

Deliverance comes the LORD and it is a process.

Psalm 3:8 NIV

Remember it was your Spirit that got saved, but your soul (your mind, will and emotions) didn't. 

Therefore, It's going to take time to break any old habits you have. Very rarely, do we heard about somebody that got saved and automatically stopped doing this and that.

Most of us are like Peter.

Peter was still violent,  because Peter needed to be delivered...He was saved but not delivered. 

Meditation Points:

1. It took something happening and Jesus gently talking Peter's anger down, for Peter to finally put down the sword. John 18....Otherwise, Peter would have still be violent, angry, cutting of people's ears etc.

2. So, The next time something happens that's out of character for the "new you" but is every bit the "old you."..Invite Jesus in. Invite God in, talk openly and honestly to him about the issue or issues that's preventing you from being great. 

3. Stop beating yourself up about what you said or done. 

4. Instead, Go to Him (Go to God) in prayer, he is inviting you:

I, the LORD, invite you

to come and talk it over.

Your sins are scarlet red,

but they will be whiter

than snow or wool.

Isaiah 1:18 CEV

5. BELOVED, Believe me, you would rather go to God willingly and address what you're struggling with....

Then for God to make you change; the way he made Saul change.

Read: Acts 9 NIV

Father God,

Help that one change little by little.

Help that one that keeps willingly coming to you, confessing to you what their struggling with.

Take away the struggle with alcohol. 

Take away the struggle with sex.

Take away the struggle with profanity and lying. 

Take away the struggle 

Take away the struggle.

Take away the struggle. 

Whatever it is...Take away the struggle. 

In Jesus name. 


Here when you need me.

Until Next Month,

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 

Call Or Text: 865-408-8690


● For prayer and/or bible based consultation.

Prolific Fire ~ Seeking 2 Help You Where You Hurt!

Sunday, March 24, 2019

3/24/19 "System Reboot"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"System Reboot"

SOMEBODY: You're system needs to reboot itself. You need to start over, get yourself together and start over. Release whatever it is, in your system causing you to lag behind in things you should be achieving from day to day. Little daily task are slowing you down. Why? Because of what's in your system.

In 2 Kings 4:35 NIV The boy sneezed 7 times. Then he opened his eyes....After he got all that stuff out his system, after he cleared his air passages and could breathe, and could live, he could see all the stuff that had been inside of him, stuff that needed to be released.

But you, you're not a boy. You're a grown man. You're not a girl. You're a grown woman...So chances are, you've had whatever it is, in your system much longer than the boy had in 2 Kings 4.

It's time you took some actions toward releasing that stuff. The boy sneezed 7 times...What do you need to do to clear the air, to finally see what's inside of you, to reboot your system?  Maybe, delete some phone numbers, unfriend a friend or two on social media, stop referring to "your ex" as your ex; giving him or her a permanent title in your life....Get it out your system. These are just some suggestions. 

Elisha didn't have to tell the boy to sneeze 7 times after life re-entered his body...It just came naturally, his body figured out what to do to reboot his system. BELOVED, I believe in you. You'll get there, you will figure some things out too and reboot your system. 

The bible talks about how you can't put new wine into old wine skins. Matt 9:17

The old must be released to make room for the new. The new life,  the new journey that lies ahead, that's currently laying dormant inside of you because you can't breathe, because you're not yet bold enough to clear the air and reboot...But as I said earlier, You will get there. I believe in you.

It's time to reboot, to spring forward...Too much has been holding you back, hindering your progress. Reboot your system..

.Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, March 17, 2019

3/17/19 "Mind-Shifting"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Mind- Shifting"

BELOVED, Your thinking controls your being. If you think you're a grasshopper, you will live a grasshopper existence, hopping around the same territory for years, because you're too afraid to think anything bigger of yourself....AND so like the Israelites you're in the wilderness, mentally trying to weave your way through with little or no mental strength left. Numbers 13 KJ

That's why the bible doesn't wait for us to dictate our thoughts, but the bible tells us clearly, unapologetically what it is, we should be thinking about. Think on that which is lovely, pure, praiseworthy and of a good report etc. Philip 4:8

Otherwise, our minds will be like a vacuum cleaner, subtly having the strength sucked out, based on our own unhealthy thought patterns...Not necessarily what the devil is doing, but what we are doing to ourselves or not doing for ourselves. 

Overall, It's such an easy trap to fall into. As long as Naomi's husband was alive, her sons were alive and together with their wives and Naomi felt "somewhat" financially secure....There was no talk, no thought of calling herself, "Mara" a name that means bitter. But as soon as life hit, and things weren't picture perfect, things weren't going her way....Her mind shifted from a strong, secure, confident place, to the dark, painfully weak, unknowing place of a grasshopper. 

Ruth Chapter 1

She no longer knew her strength and it's just sad... When your strength is based on the marriage you have or don't have, the kids you have or don't have, HANNAH (1Samuel Chapter 1), the finances you have or don't have etc.

But many of you can relate...It's time you let go of thoughts that don't make you strong. Think on things ONLY associated with you (individually) as a person that are pure ( has no hidden agenda) and somehow reminds of you of the person you used to be. Start getting strong mentally again one day at a time. No more mind-shifting. Your thoughts shall remain stable.

Until Next Sunday.

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, March 9, 2019

3/10/19 "Miserable No More"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Miserable No More"

The old saying, " Misery loves company" might be true, but there is no unofficial law anywhere that says, it has to be YOUR company. Let somebody else be miserable. You don't have to be the one, that's miserable, nor do you have to be the one, faking it until you make it...But you can actually heal and live. You can go on with your life.

If Joseph could go on... Even after being made fun of by family, hated on by those same family members, abused, stripped of the one thing that meant everything to him, imprisoned because of LIES someone told on him.

If Joseph could go on and make something good come from what he'd been through... Even though,  he got no apology for the wrong done to him and the false charges brought against him would never be expunged from his record, which means he would forever be looked at as a sex offender in the eyes of some people...You can too.

The misery, the sorrow, the pending depression does not have to become apart of who you are. 

Genesis Chapters: 37, 39, 41

The misery you've experienced can be a thing of the past. Job11:16 AMPC puts it like this: For you shall forget your misery; you will remember it as water that pass away.

Sounds like the bible is contradicting itself, doesn't it?

 How can you forget and remember at the same time? BELOVED, There is no contradiction.God is simply saying, From now on, you will  remember, but without all the feelings of misery attached to it, keeping you struck in your feelings....It will be like water that passed away.

Now normally, when some things or some people pass away...There is a grieving process you go through. 

SOMEBODY: Go through the process one last time. Then, give up control and let God heal what you can't change. It happened physically, but it doesn't have to keep happening to you emotionally.

Let the God who looks at your heart (for clarity) and not your appearance. 1 Samuel 16:7..Let him heal you.  Nice clothes, and/or a lot of make up will never fool him into believing you're okay, when he knows you're not.

 In Jere 30:17 NASB...He says, I will restore you to health and I will heal you of your wounds.

Beloved, It's time you turned yourself in to the wound doctor. 

 Until Next Sunday.

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, March 2, 2019

3/3/19 "The Work Apron"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"The Work Apron"

Martha welcomed Jesus into her home. Then she proceeded to put on her work apron and do nothing put worry and complain the whole time. She worried about the preparations that still needed to be done. She complained because her sister, Mary was not helping and had left her to do all the work by herself. 

Martha was completely distracted and missing out on an opportunity to sit at Jesus feet.

Luke 10:38-42 NIV

A shout out to those of you, so quick to put on your work apron, business apron, career apron, ministry apron...Working on this, working on that. All the while, missing out on what's really important. Missing out on family time, your kid's football game, dance recitals, tournaments, school plays; precious moments you can't get back.

In the case of Martha though..She missed out on some really important time with Jesus..Time that could have balanced her life, her schedule and showed her how to properly prioritize.

Beloved, You don't need more hours in the day....You don't need more time. There's a reason God only gave us 24 hours per day. There's a reason he only worked 6 days and rested on the 7th in the Book of Genesis. 

Learn how to work smart, not longer, smarter. Learn when to put the work apron on and when to pull it off. Like Martha, you complain about the help you're not getting and you're missing out on some instructions that could change your life.

The bible says: They (us, you and me, we, the Holy Ones) sit at Jesus feet and receive instructions.  Deut 33:3 NIV

So ,for those of you who think..."I don't have time to sit." This needs to be done, that needs to be done.

Beloved, You will always have needs as long as you're out of His presence. He is the one that teaches you to profit....So, you can't afford not to sit and listen. Isaiah 48:17 AMP

He is the one who told Peter where the money was, how to go about getting it; money Peter needed to pay their tax debt. Matthew 17 :24-27 CEV

See, what you need is not in that work apron, business apron, career apron, ministry apron alone. Without Jesus, it all means nothing. If you can't  balance your work/ home life successfully, but you keep getting overwhelmed....It means nothing.

So, Stop getting distracted when he's near...That's rude. You need Him.

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy