Saturday, September 29, 2018

9/29/18 "Cast In The Role"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Cast In The Role"

In Genesis 29

Leah had an eye condition and it seems people were always making reference to the way her eyes looked, which made her feel awkward, different, not as pretty as her younger sister, Rachel.

Her self-esteem was suffering and it didn't help any, knowing that her father (of all people)  willingly traded her off to the first man, he could trick into saying, "I DO" in keeping with their customs..You see, It was customary in those days for the younger sister not to be given in marriage before the older.

So, Leah's dad basically just gave her (his oldest daughter) away to Jacob, so that his younger daughter, pretty daughter, Rachel could then get married. (She was the one Jacob wanted).

Beloved, Do you know how it feels to be cast in the role of a burden, do you know how it feels to be the one gettng in the way of everybody's plans?

Leah had been unfairly cast in the role of a burden. Life and the people in her life, made her feel like she was in the way, always in the way. She was in Jacob's way, her sister, Rachel's way, she was the one standing in the way of their marriage and them living happily ever after, etc.

So, Now her mind, your mind is messed up because you're beginning to BELIEVE what you're feeling..AND to make matters worse, you can't even cast your burdens on the LORD.
I mean, really? How do you cast what you are on somebody else?
Still the LORD says, Cast YOURSELF upon Him. He cares for you, even when no one else does. You are not a burden. You have burdens, but you are not a burden. Psalm 55:22 1Peter 5:7 NKJ

The people trying to handicap you, destroy you, break you by casting you in a certain role; they need you, they just don't know it yet..But it was Leah and her eye condition that made Rachel look so good. Leah that made Jacob get back to work.
Most of all, It was Leah that made her dad accountable for his actions (choosing customs and one daughter's happiness over another).
It was Leah. They need you, Leah (whether you're male or female). They need YOU. They can't effectively SHINE without you. 

Therefore, Be Encouraged even in spite of...You are not a burden.

Happy Saturday!!!

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 

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