Sunday, September 23, 2018

9/23/18 "ACCEPT IT"


5 Minutes of Focus 


n Genesis 39

Potiphar'swife accused Joseph of rape...He didn't rape her, but she had some false evidence in her possession that appeared real.

SOMEBODY: The devil knows how to set you up, but then again, so does God.

The difference being God makes all things work together for the good...

Romans 8:28

Even this! So, Joseph goes to prison and serves 2 years or more. When he's finally released in Genesis 41, there is  not even a mention of Potiphar's wife. She never offered him an apology.

But Joseph somehow had learned to ACCEPT IT and to move on with his life..Beloved, You must learn to accept it. I know it wasn't right, they did you wrong, they did you dirty, but accept it.

Joseph was now focused on all the people he could help and how he could bring something good out of a bad situation. 

Citing that "YOU meant it for evil, but God meant it for good to save many lives." 

Genesis 50:20 NKJ

If you're reading this: Get re-focused.There's something bigger and better coming out of all the pain, out of the years you lost falsely accused, coming out of your freedom being stripped from you etc.

God didn't allow you to go through that for nothing...You may never see your accuser (accusers) again, but they will know you survived and you're not the person you used to be...YOU'RE BETTER. Helping others, blessing God still, and financially stable and well able to care for others, your family AND YOURSELF.

 Genesis 45

They will know because news travels; that even though, they withheld your apology, you overcame their foolishness, because life is not a game to you. Somehow you found the strength to accept the apology you never got.

Somehow you found the strength to accept it and leave the past behind you and God has graced you to move forward, pain free most days.

There is no greater testimony than you overcoming, apology or no apology...YOUR life moves on, your life is moving on. 

In Jesus name.


Until Next Sunday.

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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