Saturday, September 1, 2018

9/2/18 "YOU"


5 Minutes of Focus


Abram slept with Hagar and soon after she became pregnant, proving once and for all that Abram was not the problem...He was not the problem or the reason why Sarai couldn't get pregnant. 

Genesis 16

Imagine being Sarai and now having proof that the issue (whatever it is) lies within YOU and not your husband.

How do you handle being the problem? How do you handle having an issue?

How do you handle seeing what you want, but knowing you're unable to produce?

Sarai tried to put the blame it on God, she tried to blame it on Abram..Instead of just facing the truth, but it didn't work because the truth is always the truth no matter what.

SOMEBODY: Now that you know what's really going on..Don't be afraid to seek help.

Remember, when the woman with the issue of blood discovered her issue...She sought the help of doctors, they couldn't help her, but that doesn't mean a doctor can't help you.

Mark 5:25-34 NLT

God has really worked through doctors in recent years to produce some medical miracles. So, if your issue needs to be addressed by a doctor, do so.

Seeing a doctor, a therapist or counselor etc is better than having to face the truth year after year..Bitter and mad with yourself because you're jealous of Hagar and you really don't want to be.

YOU...You want to be better than that. You don't mean to let your problem, you don't mean to let your issue "get to you" like but...

You're only human and humans need to interact with other humans to work out their ish...For you, your ish would be "Ishmael" and seeing what you couldn't produce. 

HEAR ME: Not being able to produce, to provide for yourself, for your husband or wife/family does not make you a failure. 

You are never a failure for needing help..You become a failure, when YOU know and still you refuse to receive help.

The bible says: Faith without works is dead. James 2:17 NKJ

By going to the doctor, the therapist, the counselor etc. that's YOU putting in the work...

And if (for whatever reason) it doesn't work...That's when your faith will kick in, because your works activated it.

YOU can't just keep feeling sorry for yourself though...Blaming God and others; seeds like that will hinder your faith.

YOU can still have what God promised you, Sarai, Abram.

Don't give up!


Until Next Sunday.

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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