Sunday, September 16, 2018

9/16/18 " A Love Letter In Two Words"


5 Minutes Of Focus 

"A Love Letter In Two Words"

In Isaiah 53:3 NKJ: The bible describes Jesus as a man acquainted with grief.

He was a man who knew 1st hand, what it was to hurt, to grieve, but still have to keep going.

So, why is it, we always picture Jesus giving, but never wanting, NEEDING to receive...

As though, somehow he's not allowed to expect anything of us in return?

It's this kind of shallow thinking that makes what happened in Luke 17 so unacceptable. 

In Luke 17:11-18 NIV: Jesus out of the goodness of his heart had healed 10 lepers and only 1 came back to say, "Thank You."

If you've ever been overlooked for your efforts or unappreciated...Can't you just feel the break in Jesus's heart, when he asked, "Were not all 10 cleansed?  Where are the other 9?"

Beloved, The same way you want, you NEED to know you're appreciated...Never underestimate what a simple, "Thank You" does to the heart of God.

Your tithes says to God, " I trust you," but your "Thank you" when it's sincere says to God, "I appreciate you and all that you do."

It's a beautiful exchange of dialogue between us and HIM.

As you read this, reflect back over your life, thus far and don't be like one the 9 proceeding with your mouth closed... As though, you're somehow entitled to the things, to the life you have.

No, As for me and my house (meaning- this earthly body I live in)...I will never get tired or allow myself to tire....I will say, "Thank you" for every thing big and small. It's more than common courtesy or good manners. It's a most appreciated, well deserved, two- word love letter to Jesus, to God, to the Holy Spirit. A two-word love letter, I pray warms HIS heart and makes up for the rudeness of every leper that still exist TODAY.

SOMEBODY: Love on Him...Love on Him.


Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 


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