Sunday, September 30, 2018

9/30/18 "Courage After Rejection"


"Courage After Rejection"

Abraham put both Hagar and Ishmael (the son they had together) out the house, he sent them packing...Later in the text: Hagar is found perplexed, not wanting to watch her son die, but Ishmael (her son) was found crying.
Everything going on had taken a toll on his emotions and so he was crying.
Why is it Isaac got to stay and he had to be the son to go???
Genesis 21:8-21 NIV

Beloved,  Perhaps, you're asking yourself, "Why it had to be me?" And you're thinking about all the scenarios that could have been, but this....This is the way things ended up. 

The rejection of it all has really set in and is having a major affect on you both emotionally and mentally....Emotionally, like Ishmael, you cry or maybe, you yell and you have a bad habit of taking your frustrations out on other people. 
Mentally, you think something is wrong with you because they chose to let you go...Whoever they are and for whatever reason, they chose to let you go.

So, how do you have courage after rejection?

Meditation Points:

1.Cry, yell, punch something (and NOT someone)...Do some kind of physical action to release your feelings and not keep the hurt, the pain bottled up inside creating added stress and worry.

2. Just like Ishmael knew, it could have been Isaac instead of him...You know, there's somebody else, they could have chosen to let go of instead of you. Still, CHOOSE NOT TO TAKE IT PERSONAL. 

There's an interesting passage of scripture in the book of Job.
In Job 4:3-5 NIV *paraphrasing
Eliphaz basically says to Job:
Think about how you have instructed many, how you have strengthen feeble hands, and your words supported those who stumble, but now that is happening to you...You're discouraged, you're dismayed (as if this wasn't suppose to happen to you).

3. WHY NOT ME ? That's the kind of "survivor attitude" you must have and stop taking everything so personal.  
Remember: God made you, so he knows the depth of your strength, he knows your capacity level.
If God allowed you to be let go, kicked out, etc...Beloved, You are strong enough to face the rejection and not go into mental overload. He allowed it, because he knew that ultimately in the end...It would just toughen you up a bit and stretch your faith, giving you more room to receive.

4. Change your perspective....That's how you have courage after rejection.  You change your perspective. You go around quoting: Romans 8:28  God makes all things work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to his purpose. 
You keep quoting it UNTIL it gets down in your spirit and your spiritual eyes can see something your physical eyes can't, giving you HOPE for another day.

5. Take it one day at a time, and it helps to have someone there that can relate to what you're going through without judging you for crying, yelling, or what have you. 
Ishmael had his mom there, she understood because it happened to them both. Not once, in the text does she stop him from crying or tell him not to cry...Because that was his way of processing things and what he needed to do to release his emotions, to keep him from growing up hating his dad, hating his brother. 

6. Strip the pain of its label. Stop calling it rejection, even though you feel rejected; call it re-direction. God can see the bigger picture, so he knows who you need to be connected to, who you need to be associated with and what relationships you need to cut off. So he does it for you, saving you time and energy. He re-directs you because he doesn't want who you are to be overlooked.
Had Ishmael stayed in the house, his every accomplishment who have gotten overlooked, overshadowed by Isaac or compared to Isaac because of "the promise" attached to Isaac's name, just his being in general. 
Ishmael wouldn't have been free to be his own man, for trying to be what pleases his dad and secretly compete with his brother. 
Beloved, God doesn't want you to compete or be compared to anyone else. He even tells us in 2 Corin 10:12 NIV  that kind of behavior is not wise.

7.Last but not least: In your mind, stop putting a period where God has put a comma....You have courage after rejection by not ending the process in one way or another too soon, just because you want the hurt, the anger, the bitterness, the confusion to end.
Instead, Embrace the comma and know that it's there to slow you down and show you that on the other side of it all, God has HUGE PLANS to bless you too.
In the text, God didn't just bless Isaac (the child he had promised Abraham and Sarah) but he blessed Ishmael too (later in life). YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN, even now. God will bless you too.

Father God,
Help everyone going through the rejection process to heal, to forgive, to live and to not be angry, bitter, or resentful of the process.
Help them find courage in the midst of being re-directed and to trust you, even now, especially now, when that can't understand all that you're doing.
In Jesus name. 

Here When You Need Me.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 
Hosea 12:13 NIV 

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Saturday, September 29, 2018

9/29/18 "Cast In The Role"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Cast In The Role"

In Genesis 29

Leah had an eye condition and it seems people were always making reference to the way her eyes looked, which made her feel awkward, different, not as pretty as her younger sister, Rachel.

Her self-esteem was suffering and it didn't help any, knowing that her father (of all people)  willingly traded her off to the first man, he could trick into saying, "I DO" in keeping with their customs..You see, It was customary in those days for the younger sister not to be given in marriage before the older.

So, Leah's dad basically just gave her (his oldest daughter) away to Jacob, so that his younger daughter, pretty daughter, Rachel could then get married. (She was the one Jacob wanted).

Beloved, Do you know how it feels to be cast in the role of a burden, do you know how it feels to be the one gettng in the way of everybody's plans?

Leah had been unfairly cast in the role of a burden. Life and the people in her life, made her feel like she was in the way, always in the way. She was in Jacob's way, her sister, Rachel's way, she was the one standing in the way of their marriage and them living happily ever after, etc.

So, Now her mind, your mind is messed up because you're beginning to BELIEVE what you're feeling..AND to make matters worse, you can't even cast your burdens on the LORD.
I mean, really? How do you cast what you are on somebody else?
Still the LORD says, Cast YOURSELF upon Him. He cares for you, even when no one else does. You are not a burden. You have burdens, but you are not a burden. Psalm 55:22 1Peter 5:7 NKJ

The people trying to handicap you, destroy you, break you by casting you in a certain role; they need you, they just don't know it yet..But it was Leah and her eye condition that made Rachel look so good. Leah that made Jacob get back to work.
Most of all, It was Leah that made her dad accountable for his actions (choosing customs and one daughter's happiness over another).
It was Leah. They need you, Leah (whether you're male or female). They need YOU. They can't effectively SHINE without you. 

Therefore, Be Encouraged even in spite of...You are not a burden.

Happy Saturday!!!

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 

Sunday, September 23, 2018

9/23/18 "ACCEPT IT"


5 Minutes of Focus 


n Genesis 39

Potiphar'swife accused Joseph of rape...He didn't rape her, but she had some false evidence in her possession that appeared real.

SOMEBODY: The devil knows how to set you up, but then again, so does God.

The difference being God makes all things work together for the good...

Romans 8:28

Even this! So, Joseph goes to prison and serves 2 years or more. When he's finally released in Genesis 41, there is  not even a mention of Potiphar's wife. She never offered him an apology.

But Joseph somehow had learned to ACCEPT IT and to move on with his life..Beloved, You must learn to accept it. I know it wasn't right, they did you wrong, they did you dirty, but accept it.

Joseph was now focused on all the people he could help and how he could bring something good out of a bad situation. 

Citing that "YOU meant it for evil, but God meant it for good to save many lives." 

Genesis 50:20 NKJ

If you're reading this: Get re-focused.There's something bigger and better coming out of all the pain, out of the years you lost falsely accused, coming out of your freedom being stripped from you etc.

God didn't allow you to go through that for nothing...You may never see your accuser (accusers) again, but they will know you survived and you're not the person you used to be...YOU'RE BETTER. Helping others, blessing God still, and financially stable and well able to care for others, your family AND YOURSELF.

 Genesis 45

They will know because news travels; that even though, they withheld your apology, you overcame their foolishness, because life is not a game to you. Somehow you found the strength to accept the apology you never got.

Somehow you found the strength to accept it and leave the past behind you and God has graced you to move forward, pain free most days.

There is no greater testimony than you overcoming, apology or no apology...YOUR life moves on, your life is moving on. 

In Jesus name.


Until Next Sunday.

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, September 16, 2018

9/16/18 " A Love Letter In Two Words"


5 Minutes Of Focus 

"A Love Letter In Two Words"

In Isaiah 53:3 NKJ: The bible describes Jesus as a man acquainted with grief.

He was a man who knew 1st hand, what it was to hurt, to grieve, but still have to keep going.

So, why is it, we always picture Jesus giving, but never wanting, NEEDING to receive...

As though, somehow he's not allowed to expect anything of us in return?

It's this kind of shallow thinking that makes what happened in Luke 17 so unacceptable. 

In Luke 17:11-18 NIV: Jesus out of the goodness of his heart had healed 10 lepers and only 1 came back to say, "Thank You."

If you've ever been overlooked for your efforts or unappreciated...Can't you just feel the break in Jesus's heart, when he asked, "Were not all 10 cleansed?  Where are the other 9?"

Beloved, The same way you want, you NEED to know you're appreciated...Never underestimate what a simple, "Thank You" does to the heart of God.

Your tithes says to God, " I trust you," but your "Thank you" when it's sincere says to God, "I appreciate you and all that you do."

It's a beautiful exchange of dialogue between us and HIM.

As you read this, reflect back over your life, thus far and don't be like one the 9 proceeding with your mouth closed... As though, you're somehow entitled to the things, to the life you have.

No, As for me and my house (meaning- this earthly body I live in)...I will never get tired or allow myself to tire....I will say, "Thank you" for every thing big and small. It's more than common courtesy or good manners. It's a most appreciated, well deserved, two- word love letter to Jesus, to God, to the Holy Spirit. A two-word love letter, I pray warms HIS heart and makes up for the rudeness of every leper that still exist TODAY.

SOMEBODY: Love on Him...Love on Him.


Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 


Sunday, September 9, 2018

9/9/18 "Consider The Child"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Consider The Child"

Abraham put both Hagar and Ishmael (the son they had together) out the house, he sent them packing...Later in the text: Hagar is found perplexed, not wanting to watch her son die, but Ishmael (her son) was found crying.

Everything going on had taken a toll on his emotions and so he was crying.

Genesis 21:8-21 NIV

Parents, you're wrong, if you think all that drama surrounding you and your children's father or you and  your children's mother...You're wrong, if you think all that drama is not affecting your children.

Children internalize pain, they take in their surroundings fully...Every negative word they heard, every negative action they saw, somehow it all translates back to them as, "It's all My fault!'

Mommy is unhappy because of me.

Mommy and Daddy are fighting because of me.

I heard Daddy say, "He's leaving."

"If only I could do better...If only I could get better grades in school...They both love me, so the problem has to be me."

As a child, he or she is too young to know the difference between "fearful thinking" and true expression.

So they internalize, then they eventually start acting out; they cry.

Ishmael was crying, hungry, hurting and confused; slipping into depression unable to wrap his young mind  around it all... Why is it Isaac got to stay and he had to be the son to go???

Now, I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but if you have children; consider the children..."Consider The Child."

I know the bible says:

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 1 Corin 13:11 NIV

But what if you're not a man or woman yet?..What if you are still a child and that way of talking, thinking, and reasoning associated with childhood is all you have.

Children shouldn't be expected to just put their childhood behind them.

They're counting on YOU being there AND STABLE enough to guide them through these confusing times.

That's all I'm saying....Think about it.

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, September 1, 2018

9/2/18 "YOU"


5 Minutes of Focus


Abram slept with Hagar and soon after she became pregnant, proving once and for all that Abram was not the problem...He was not the problem or the reason why Sarai couldn't get pregnant. 

Genesis 16

Imagine being Sarai and now having proof that the issue (whatever it is) lies within YOU and not your husband.

How do you handle being the problem? How do you handle having an issue?

How do you handle seeing what you want, but knowing you're unable to produce?

Sarai tried to put the blame it on God, she tried to blame it on Abram..Instead of just facing the truth, but it didn't work because the truth is always the truth no matter what.

SOMEBODY: Now that you know what's really going on..Don't be afraid to seek help.

Remember, when the woman with the issue of blood discovered her issue...She sought the help of doctors, they couldn't help her, but that doesn't mean a doctor can't help you.

Mark 5:25-34 NLT

God has really worked through doctors in recent years to produce some medical miracles. So, if your issue needs to be addressed by a doctor, do so.

Seeing a doctor, a therapist or counselor etc is better than having to face the truth year after year..Bitter and mad with yourself because you're jealous of Hagar and you really don't want to be.

YOU...You want to be better than that. You don't mean to let your problem, you don't mean to let your issue "get to you" like but...

You're only human and humans need to interact with other humans to work out their ish...For you, your ish would be "Ishmael" and seeing what you couldn't produce. 

HEAR ME: Not being able to produce, to provide for yourself, for your husband or wife/family does not make you a failure. 

You are never a failure for needing help..You become a failure, when YOU know and still you refuse to receive help.

The bible says: Faith without works is dead. James 2:17 NKJ

By going to the doctor, the therapist, the counselor etc. that's YOU putting in the work...

And if (for whatever reason) it doesn't work...That's when your faith will kick in, because your works activated it.

YOU can't just keep feeling sorry for yourself though...Blaming God and others; seeds like that will hinder your faith.

YOU can still have what God promised you, Sarai, Abram.

Don't give up!


Until Next Sunday.

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy