Sunday, February 4, 2018

2/4/18 "I Didn't Quit! "


5 Minutes of Focus

"I Didn't Quit!"

SOMEBODY: You despise quitting...You've already quit on so much, you set out to achieve, that you absolutely refuse to quit on anything else.

Here's the problem with that though: You are confusing quitting with surrendering.
God doesn't want you to give up, but he does want you to give it over to him.

Right now, You are praying YOUR OWN WILL and it hurts so bad....And you might be surprised to learn that Jesus in the garden, started out praying  his own will and it hurt so bad.

Jesus knelt down and prayed, saying, "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from  me"... Jesus started out praying his own will, he prayed what HE WANTED God to do.
Then,  all of a sudden (I'm not sure what happened), but in his next few words, Jesus surrendered his will saying,  "Yet not my will but yours be done."

Then, an angel appeared to him and strengthened him. Now, I wish I could tell you, that after he surrendered his will, he felt better.. But he was still hurt, still in agony. You think Jesus wanted to go to the cross, die, give up his relationship with his mother.
He didn't...Any more than you want to give your hopes and dreams, give that relationship, your relationship goals over to God, but that's exactly what you need to do.
Luke 22:41-44 John 19:26 NIV

Focus Points:

Jesus surrendered and became the SAVIOUR of the WORLD. John 3:16
I wonder, who you're destined  to become?

Who you're  destined to become and who you're desperate to become is not the same.

Your DESTINY is tied to God..DESPERATION is just you, trying to pray YOUR OWN WILL.

Surrender..God has bigger hopes & dreams for you, than you can even begin to imagine for yourself.  
Ephes 3 :20

God will give you the desires of your heart..But 1st give him your heart.
Psalm 37:4

Life can be a TRIP made easier, with Jesus as your TOUR GUIDE. Isaiah 48:17 NIV

He knows the plans he has for you. Jere 29:11

Stop messing  up. Fess up..You're tired...You need the strength....Surrender.
Come to ME all who are weary...Matt 11:28

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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