Wednesday, February 14, 2018

2/14/18 "Kintsugi"



This Valentine's Day, I have just one word for YOU, those of you feeling broken and alone...."Kintsugi."

Beloved, Having to face your worst nightmare in broad open daylight is no joke... Like Mary Magdalene standing at the tomb crying; tears might even be running down your face right now.

You see, The person Mary loved the most was presumed  dead and if that wasn't enough, his body had gone missing or so it seemed.

All Mary could force herself to understand was:
HE'S DEAD.  JESUS, The One Person that had always been there for her...JESUS Was Gone, Taken from her!!!
John 20:11-16 NIV

SOMEBODY: You can deal with the fact that the relationship is over, you can deal with the fact that the marriage has ended. What you're having trouble dealing with is: THE ABSENCE OF THAT PERSON'S PRESENCE.

It's not so much the relationship or the marriage you miss...More Than Anything ...You Miss That  Person' s Presence, YOU MISS THEM JUST BEING THERE.

Now, you wake up alone. You go to bed alone. Their presence has been taken from you and the loneliness of it all is killing you, breaking you more and more..BUT JESUS.

JESUS Is Not Dead, but he is an expert at Kintsugi -The Japanese art of fixing broken ceramics. Therefore, Give every broken piece of that person's death, that divorce, that failed relationship, every piece of your broken & lonely heart to JESUS. Only he can make a new LIFE for you out of your brokenness, purpose from your pain.

I pray you find the strength to Release YOURSELF (just as you are) into The Master's Capable Hands.
For if from THERE (right where you are) you will seek the LORD....You will find Him.
You will find Kintsugi...Healing for your brokenness.
Deut 4:29 NIV

Something amazing happens when we give our brokenness to JESUS. He takes the pieces & makes us whole.
Jere 18:1-4 NIV

You are LOVED....You are not ALONE today or any other day.
He is close, so close to you now. Psalm 34:18 NIV

LPS~ Love,  Prophetess Stacy

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