Sunday, February 25, 2018

2/25/18 "Get Your Crown Out The Lay-A-Way"


5 Minutes of Focus

"Get Your Crown Out The Lay-A-Way "

A month or so ago, I don't mind telling you...Unbeknownst to me, My Crown Was In The Lay-A-Way.
But then I began to read,  "Queenology" By: R.C. Blakes, Jr.

This book helped me get my crown out the lay-a-way and back on my head where it belongs...That's my cute little way of saying,  "This book DELIVERED ME out of my feelings."

You see, because I didn't FEEL like a  queen at the time...I just automatically assumed, I wasn't one and I believe many of us, not just Queens, but Kings too...We have sold ourselves short based on our feelings, how we felt in the moment.

Much like Esau who sold his birthright because he FELT hungry (at the time), in the moment.

Of course, Esau would live to experience hunger again...So what are we supposed to do? Sell something every time we feel a certain way?
Gen 25:29-33 AMP

Beloved, We must learn to leave our temporary feelings out of, what was ALREADY a God ordained decision. 

God had ALREADY decided,  made His decision, "We are a royal priesthood"...Long before we grew to accept him. It was already apart of our saved territory. 1 Peter 2:9 NIV

You Are Queen...You Are A King. Let us work on controling our feelings, seeing ourselves as we really are (as God intended) and not get distracted, hungering for other things; when our birthright as a royal priesthood in HIM is the most valuable of all things... It comes with everlasting stock and it yeilds interest for all who are interested.

Focus Points:

That's why the bible says: Whosoever will let him come. Rev 22:17 KJV

Somebody: You need to come to the knowledge of the truth today.
You Are Queen...You Are A King.

Order the book, "Queenology" at or purchase it on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
The book is scripturally sound (which I love).  You will not be misled, but your eyes will be opened.

It's time you got your crown out the lay-a-way...It's time you  got delivered out of your feelings and into the truth.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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