Sunday, January 28, 2018

1/28/18 "Be Still"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Be Still"

If ever that needs to be a COMMAND from God...It's  now.
It seems like we're all just so busy. So busy to the point, that some of us, don't even remember how to be still.  Others of us, we don't want to be still because "busyness" has become our drug of choice.

Yet we cannot keep ignoring the scripture that says: "Be Still" and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

If we really want to know God, then 1st, we must practice being still...5 Minutes here. 5 Minutes there..Just be still and listen.

Remember: In 1Kings 19 God's voice was not in the wind, earthquake, or fire, but in a gentle whisper. Jesus (himself) had to steal away to a secluded place to pray (to hear from God). Luke 5:16 AMP

Beloved, Our  individual worlds are confused because we don't make time to steal away. Our spirits are confused, looking, yearning for the voice of God and not social media. Yearning not for the voice of our favorite preacher, not the voice, even, of that special friend or family member (all that's good, but nothing or no one can replace a DIRECT WORD from God).

We must be still ya'll...To hear God, we must "Be Still."  Stop actively chasing what God said would be added (automatically), if we would just seek the Kingdom (seek Him) 1st. Matt 6:33

Focus Points:

Steal away and then you will KNOW...Know God by knowing His WORD.

The same way, We know our children by their voices and certain things, they say and do that's in character with their personality....God is no different.

He wants us to know him in His WORD, then His WORD will make the characteristics of his Voice clearer, recognizable.

"Be Still"...I bind this 21st Century drug of choice called, "busyness."

The truth is: We are NEVER too busy to do and hear what we really want. Something or someone always has our attention/ear.

It's time we made God a priority...Now, Go somewhere and "Be Still.">>> Journal your experience with God.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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