Sunday, February 18, 2018

2/18/18 "God says, Finally!"


5 Minutes of Focus

"God says, Finally!"

FINALLY!...After trying so hard to be strong...You're finally realizing, you can't do it on your own.
FINALLY!...After trying ever other source imaginable...You're realizing you can only be strong in HIM, apart from HIM your weakness shows.

So, Stop trying to flex your muscle both mentally and physically making yourself look a certain kind of way... Because honestly, you have nothing to prove and no one to impress. If you do feel  like you have something to prove or someone to impress...You need to break the source of that insecurity immediately!!!
Even if that insecurity really stems from a vacant space in you.

In John 4
We find a woman filled with her own insecurities stemming for multiple failed relationships. Is that you?

Filled with insecurities she was going about her normal routine, fetching water...Trying to make herself believe every thing is okay, trying to make herself believe she had no mental, no emotional residue left over in her from past relationships/hurts...But she wouldn't come clean or get clean UNTIL she encountered JESUS. Until then, her weakness showed.

Her weakness for acceptance, her weakness for love and wanting to be loved. Again, Is that you?

What is it, you're trying to make yourself believe just to keep going in this season?

I need you to know, God loves you. He accepts you. He desires to clean you up and make you his own and do for you what no one else had the guts to do.
Ezekiel 16 NIV

Focus Points:

Beloved, As long as you're on this earth...There will be days when you're spirit is willing, but your flesh is weak.
Matt 26:41 KJV

Therefore, My brethen, be strong  in the LORD (You can't do it on your own) and in the power of his might.
Ephes 6:10 KJV

Pray. Build yourself UP  in the faith, flex your spiritual muscle.

Keep your arms open and outstretched,  ready for the mercy of JESUS.

Rely on the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you, even now.
John 16:13 NIV

Jude 1:20 MSG

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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