Saturday, October 16, 2021

10/17/21 "He Understands You "


5 Minutes Of Focus

"He Understands You"

And at three o’clock Jesus shouted with a mighty voice in Aramaic, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” —that is, “My God, My God, why have you deserted me?” Some who were standing near the cross misunderstood and said, “He’s calling for Elijah.” One bystander ran and got a sponge, soaked it with sour wine, then put it on a stick and held it up for Jesus to drink. But the rest said, “Leave him alone! Let’s see if Elijah comes to rescue him.” Jesus passionately cried out, took his last breath, and gave up his spirit. 
Matthew 27:46‭-‬50 TPT 

In the final moments of his life here on earth as a Man...Jesus knew what it felt like to be deserted, to be forsaken, to be left alone.

So, when He says in Deut 31:8 NIV "I will never leave you nor forsake you"...Jesus who is God is saying to you, I will NEVER do to you what was done to me; I will NEVER do to you what others have done because I understand how you feel.

He understands you because he has been you, emotionally he has felt what you're feeling; whatever you're feeling.

Remember, Hebrews 4:15 from the (CEV) says, Jesus understands every weakness of ours....
(AMP) says,  He knows exactly how it feels to be human in every respect as we are, yet without committing any sin. 

So, Stop feeling like no one understands you, or knows what you're going through. 

Take your eyes off people and what you feel people don't understand about this season of your life.

Stop talking to them; answering your phone for them and look to Jesus, keep looking to Jesus and take it all, one day at a time.

It's one thing to be looking to somebody you have to constantly explain yourself to...But it's totally different, when you're  looking to somebody you know understands...He understands you.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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