Saturday, October 23, 2021

10/23/21 "You Don't Have To Be Lonely"

#Sponsorship Saturday:

You don't have to be lonely...Loneliness for ANYBODY is a choice.

God says, Loneliness is a choice. You may have not be able to have children due to fertility issues or perhaps like Naomi your child is deceased and now your struggling to fill the VOID such heartache brings which is why I honestly believe God caused Ruth to remain in Naomi's life.
See Ruth Chapter 1

Naomi had two sons to die and her husband was also deceased. So, I honestly believe Ruth was there to fill the void, to love on Naomi, to learn from Naomi because EVERYBODY needs someone they can pour into.

The wonderful thing about pouring into someone's life, loving on someone is it can be felt inspite of distance.

Right now, there is a child who would love to fill the void of so much of your hurt and be on the receiving end of your love and support.
Consider helping a child in need through #WorldVision sponsorship.

Click the link to get all the details and SPONSOR one these adorable children.

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