Sunday, May 31, 2020

5/31/20 "Keep Your Social Distance"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Keep Your Social Distance "

They say it takes 21 days to form a (new) habit...I certainly hope that's true. Because we have been practicing this new thing called "social distancing" longer than that. And if, the truth be told, you needed the time and space to break you away from that person...You know the one, you couldn't seem to leave alone on your own.

Call me crazy, but I do believe social distancing has been more of a blessing than a curse...
Because now, you know you can stay away from that person, you can make it without that person.

And I do believe social distancing will be responsible for the breaking of many soul ties in this season.

How I wish Leah would have had a chance to social distance herself from Jacob, from her "baby daddy" and developed the habit  of  being on her own, developed the habit of accepting the truth (no matter how painful)...The truth that Jacob just didn't love her as much as he loved Rachel and nothing she said or did would change that.
Genesis 29:14-35 NIV

So, BELOVED, you  just be grateful that something happened to separate you from them, from a situation that was unhealthy for your emotions, a situation that had you labeled a certain way and not addressed for the person you are beyond that. Just be grateful that you don't have to live as second best, not being loved properly as was Leah's only given choice.

And I pray that when it's safe to reach for others again...You will only reach for those essential to your life and leave all those who are destroyers to your character, your emotions, to your life, alone.

Don't fool yourselves. Bad friends will destroy you.
1 Corinthians 15:33 CEV

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, May 24, 2020

5/24/20 "Obedience Over Sacrifice "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Obedience Over Sacrifice"

You've been toiling for a long time. Some of you, were even working two jobs before the coronavirus hit. Somebody else: You were sacrificing one thing you needed for something else you needed; making all these sacrifices...
When all you really had to do was OBEY (be obedient).

Because remember, the bible does say: Obedience is better than sacrifice. 1 Samuel 15:22 KJV meaning it's better to just obey God than to make all these so-called neccessary sacrifices, stressing  yourself out in the process. 

In Luke 5:1-7 NKJ  Peter could relate. He had been toiling, he had toiled all night, sacrificing his time, giving it all his energy and profiting NOTHING. Despite the sacrifices made, still NOTHING.

It wasn't until he obeyed what he heard Jesus say and went with obedience over sacrifice, that he began to make a real profit that would significantly change his life and  the life of his business partners. 

He heard Jesus say, Try it again.... So he did.  And it was at His Word, based on a Word from Jesus that his finances changed for the better. It was not the sacrifices he made, but THE WORD he obeyed. 

Obedience is better than sacrifice especially in this season. You don't need a second, third, fourth job to make it. You just need to be able to hear and the willingness to obey.

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
Revelation 3:13 KJV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, May 16, 2020

5/17/20 "Rectify The Issue "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Rectify The Issue"

Rectify meaning put (something) right; correct.

SOMEBODY: You have an issue that's really gotten to you, really been bothering you. You've had this issue for years and it is an issue of blood, an issue with those BLOOD RELATIVES of yours, that is.

You're not physically bleeding like the woman with the issue of blood, but you definitely have been impacted by those you're blood related to.

You see, the woman in Mark 5:25-29 (NIV) had a physical illness and spent all the money she had trying to rectify the issue and you've spent all the free time you've had over the years, trying to rectify the issue you're having with certain relatives. Yet to be honest, it has gotten worse, just like things got worse for her (the woman with the issue of blood)...Things have got worse for you relationship- wise with certain blood relatives. 

But there is an old saying, that says: Things will get worse before they ever get better....And it can be biblically proven as well. 

Because things surely got worse for the woman with the issue of blood...But then over a period of time, things got better.

It got better because she changed what she had been doing...She didn't try to scrape up enough money to go to another doctor...AND don't you try to scrape up enough courage to go to that blood relative of yours one more time. 

YOU DON'T BEG, YOU ASK and then you stop asking, if they don't respond favorably. 

You get out of your head-space. In other words, stop thinking on it so much. It has become your whole subject of conversation. Stop it!

Instead, do what the woman with the issue of blood did...She took it all to Jesus...She took the illness in her body, the issue she was having, her debt, and emotional distress...She took it all to Jesus.

Beloved, Take it all to Jesus...Take yourself and  your issue, your blood relative and the issue you're having with them to JESUS.

He knows how to heal the things that we can't even begin to rectify on our own.

Remember, Jeremiah 30:17 (NKJ) talks about how God will restore health to the body and heal WOUNDS...and some of you have been severely wounded by family (by blood relatives).

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love. Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, May 9, 2020

5/10/20 "Jesus & The Perfect Mother's Day Gift "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Jesus & The Perfect Mother's Day Gift"

Jesus, when he was going through the hardest time of his life on The Cross...He still found a way to take care of his mother, to provide for his mother.

Why? Because Jesus understood the importance of honoring the woman who sacrificed herself to bring him into the world. The woman who "almost" lost her husband; all because she believed in what the Holy  Spirit had put in her and not some other man.
Matthew 1:18-20 NIV

So, those of you personally going through whatever you're going through....YOU CAN'T BE GOING THROUGH ANYTHING HARDER, MORE STRESSFUL than The Cross.
If Jesus could still find the strength to put something together, arrange  something special for His Mother from The Cross...What's your excuse? A "so-called" pandemic? Really. Get creative. 

Do something, if your mother is still ALIVE to honor her, to provide for her, to take care of her needs, her wants etc.

You see, Jesus being Jesus understood that after his death, burial, and resurrection in which he would go back to the Father....Mary would need somebody reliable to fill the void he would be leaving behind. So, he gives her John and perhaps, John was in need of a  Mother to comfort him, like only a mother can. So, he gives them to each other.
John 19:25-27 NIV

What a perfect gift... Putting two people together that would need each other, so that they could have each other when times got hard physically, hard emotionally. 

SIDENOTE: AND I BELIEVE, THIS HELPED JESUS give up "the ghost", die in peace, knowing that his mother would be okay without him.

Anyways, this definitely proves that every mother and son, every mother and daughter bond does not have to be biological...But whoever raised you, went out of their way, sacrificing themselves for YOU...That's who you honor today.

Motherhood is not always about blood, but it is always about LOVE.
Again, Jesus proved this by giving his own mother to John (his beloved disciple).
Just something powerful to think about.

Happy Mother's Day!!!
Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, May 2, 2020

5/3/20 "Blessings You Didn't Earn"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Blessings You Didn't Earn"

Now that you've had all the time in the world to think...THINK...But don't overthink and talk yourself out of, what God has spent all this time trying to talk you into.

Take Mephibosheth  for example: David (the King) showed up to bless Mephibosheth....The blessing was there. But it didn't go over too well with Mephibosheth because in his mind, he was still thinking of himself as a dead dog and David would have had a hard time convincing him otherwise; had he taken that approach. 

But he didn't.  Instead, David made the choice to ignore what was coming out of Mephibosheth's mouth and bless him anyway.  Afterall, this was not a blessing Mephibosheth had earned, but one he had inherited simply because of who his father was.
2 Samuel 9:1-11 NIV

Beloved, you might think of yourself as a dead dog, as a underdog etc...and it comes out in the way that you speak about yourself.

Still, that does not disqualify you from receiving a blessing you didn't earn in the first place.

🙌 SOMEBODY: YOU CAN'T BE GOOD ENOUGH to earn the blessing God is about to put on you.

And what's beautiful about Mephibosheth's story is that God didn't  consider Mephibosheth's physical condition or the position Mephibosheth felt he was in BEFORE sending  David over there to bless him.

Simply put: Because God is your Heavenly Father who you have an ACTIVE relationship with....When this quarantined stuff lifts, if God wants you at the table....Guess what?  You're coming to the table, issues and all. If God wants you eating like a king or queen...Guess what?  You will be.
If God wants some people working for you...Guess what?  They will be.

Mephibosheth was brought to the table in spite of his physical condition, in spite of how he felt about himself and the position he was in. He had people doing the work for him, keeping him provided for. It was a blessing that set him up to prosper and keep prospering, to emotionally heal and be okay for the rest of his life. That's the kind of God we serve.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy