Saturday, November 30, 2019

12/1/19 "Doubting You"


5 Minutes of Focus

"Doubting You"

Job could have easily started to doubt himself after going through so much for so long; not knowing that it was God who suggested his name to the devil to be tested in the first place.
Job Chapter 1

Job could have easily  started to doubt himself after his so-called friends showed up and one by one started accusing him of wrongdoing. 
Job 4:3-4, Job 4::7-8, Job 8:20 NIV

Job could have easily started to doubt himself after his children, money, and health were gone and all he was left with was a  wife talking foolish.
Job Chapter 2

But he didn't. Job never doubted himself, he never wavered from the fact that he was innocent.

BELOVED, It's one thing for people to doubt you, but when you start doubting yourself....Self-doubt is hard to shake.

It's hard to shake because we tend to believe what we say about ourselves, more so, than what others say about us.

May I remind you that the bible says: As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7 NKJ

Simply put: You become what you think about. You transform into who your thoughts say that you are.

So, if something in your head is doubting you, doubting your integrity, doubting your relationship with God. You are inwardly siding with your so-called friends, siding your enemies.

Instead, Seek to be more like Job and let whoever say, whatever. Maintain your innocence... Even if your spouse is the one talking foolish. You just might be the one God has chosen for the test and from the sidelines of heaven, he's cheering you on. Saying: (My Son, My Daughter)...You can do all things through  Christ who strengthens you. Philip 4:13

Therefore, Be strengthen. Don't fall prey to self- doubt,  just because you got this one and that one bombarding you with what THEY THINK is true. Know yourself better than that. Know your God better than that.

The bible says: In all this, Job did not sin in what he said.
Job 2:10 NIV

Until  Next Sunday.
LPS- Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, November 23, 2019

11/24/19 "Progress Report Time"


5 Minutes Of Focus 

"Progress Report Time"

Teachers do progress reports on paper of our children to let us know how they are progressing along in school among their peers...That's what teachers do.

However, we as adults, tend to not measure our progress on paper. Instead, the first thing we do is look at The Joneses and see how blessed they "appear to be" and start comparing ourselves to them, comparing our journey to theirs. Nevermind, that the bible has clearly told us NOT to compare ourselves to others, stating that comparing ourselves to others is not wise. (NIV). While the (NLT) says, It's  Ignorant! 2 Corin 10:12

Still we do it...That's we do. That's how we determine how well we are progressing alongside our peers, co-workers, neighbors etc.

And in doing so, we are robbing God; the God that created us (Genesis 1:26-27) , robbing him of his right to look and say, Good, Very good, or whatever needs to be said in that moment. 

Remember, the bible does say that, Then God looked over ALL he had made, and he saw that it was very good.  Genesis 1:31 NLT

And BELOVED, there you have it... The first progress report ever to be given came from God. 

SOMEBODY: Your progress report comes from God. He saw when your conduct was good and you didn't snap on that certain person, but managed to avoid the whole situation.  He saw you trying your best to work well with others. He saw. He saw. He saw. He knows you need improvement in this area and that area. He knows.

Therefore, you don't need to be comparing yourself to others like that. God judges, accesses things fairly, fairer than you, them or whoever and he will bless you accordingly. 

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS- Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, November 16, 2019

11/17/19 "Lessons I Learned From Jack In The Box"


5 Minutes of Focus

"Lessons I Learned From Jack In The Box "

Growing up, I hated this toy because of its appearance, creepy sound and the way it always scared me, not knowing when it was ready to pop up. Only since, I've been grown have I  come to realize and appreciate some valuable lessons taught to me via Jack In The Box (The Toy).

1 Fear is in the waiting.

2 Not knowing when it's going to happen is exasperating.

3 Sometimes you can just be wound too tight.

4 Keeping things tucked inside, suppressing it only makes it pop up again.

5 Things will pop up on you in life.

6 Nothing stays hidden.

7 You can come back up from the hands that tried to oppress you.

8 Music and clowns can be creepy.

9 Scaring people is big business not just in horror movies, and rides, but toys too.

10 You're expected to be afraid.

11 Surprises can be bittersweet. 

12 Your heart can overcome fear.

13 You don't have to stay down.

14 No matter what they paid for it, money paid to whomever cannot stop your next move. 

15 People who should love you will hate you.

16 People will make you to look like a clown...Even though, you're the key to so much more.

And so, if I could talk to the childhood me, I would let her know: 

God has not given you the Spirit of Fear. 2 Tim 1:7

Perfect love drives out fear.
1 John 4:18

You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Philip 4:13

They meant it for evil, but God. 
Genesis 50:20

Your expectations come from the LORD. Psalm 62:5

Cast all your cares on the LORD.
Psalm 55:22

All things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

SIDENOTE: There is wisdom hidden in everything, a lesson to be learned or taught.

*I still hate the concept of this toy though, for young children especially. 

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, November 9, 2019

11/10/19 "SpillingThe Tea"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Spilling The Tea"

But Onan knew that the child would not be his; so whenever he slept with his brother's wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from providing offspring for his brother. 
Genesis 38:9 NIV

As gross as the visual scene for this portion of scripture is to imagine...
Some of you don't have to imagine this at all, because right now, you're involved with someone who only likes the feel of you, but they have no intentions of ever reproducing anything tangible with you. What you have with them today is all you will ever have with them tomorrow or any day thereafter. 

Any time, they go so far as to spill their sement on the ground...I think it's safe to say, they're not interested in  growing your family, or  becoming a family with you.  They're wasting sement. They're wasting YOU.  

BELOVED, Wake Up and  smell the roses, wake up and sip some of this tea I'm spilling because it's the truth spoken in love, and the bible tells us that  INSTEAD OF (the alternative) the truth should be spoken in love. Ephesians 4:15

God did not create you to be somebody's feel good option ONLY, to be somebody's clause B.

But I 'm mighty afraid that's what you're doing the longer you allow they're unwillingness to commit or at least take responsibility for their actions to continue.

Onan didn't want to continue his dead brother's legacy by having a child with the wife he left behind, a child that wouldn't even be considered his and in a way that's understandable.

But still, that doesn't excuse the fact that he didn't hesitate to sleep with her and he kept sleeping with her, spilling his sement on the ground whenever he did...So, it seems she was, you are, good enough to sexually please him, but nothing else.

Onan, Abram who didn't hesitate when asked to sleep with Hagar (Genesis 16) and Jacob who kept sleeping with Leah, even though he didn't love her like that (Genesis 29)...Brothers like this need to learn to control themseves sexually, especially when that's all it is. YOU DESERVE BETTER.

Until Next Sunday.

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, November 3, 2019

11/3/19 "Wearing The Weight Of The Armor"


5 Minutes of Focus

"Wearing The Weight Of The Armor"

Saul started out trying to make David just like him, by dressing him in his military armor, but soon came to realize that David was his own man (young or not). Saul realized what he was trying to do was wrong for David, after David (himself) opened his mouth and told him the armor was weighing him down, making him feel uncomfortable. 
1 Samuel 17:38-39 CEV

Still BELOVED, There are some people who are trying relentlessly to make you be just like them and they won't be satisfied UNTIL the armor you're wearing resembles theirs.

They won't stop until you're wearing or is weighed down by the armor of depression, the armor of guilt, the armor of shame. They won't stop until you're wearing the armor of debt just like them.

SOMEBODY: That's why as broke as they are...They're always suggesting the two of you go shopping together; because misery loves company. They want to get you to charging up your credit cards, drawing money out the bank, get you to gambling with your future and when you have successfully lost what little nest egg you have managed to save...THEN they will be at peace and stop calling you to go out and do this and that...Because they think, they have you on their level now, which was all they really wanted.

You see, the end game was never about seeing you happy. They were just trying to make you as unhappy, as weighed down with issues, and uncomfortable in  your own skin as they are in theirs.

So, Today, I hope this post gets you to thinking and asking questions. Stop receiving what "appears" to be a helping hand UNTIL you really know why their hand has been extended to you.

Some people out here are  just like Joseph's brothers...They mean it for evil against you, but God. 
Genesis 50:20

Be aware of hidden motives and if the armor (whatever they're  offering) makes you uncomfortable....Do like David did and

God keeps an watchful eye on the heart of every man (in general). He's not fooled by their outward appearance. 
1 Samuel 16:7
So, Trust Him. Trust your God-given instincts when it comes to people. 

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy